Chapter 36

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Diana’s POV

Yesterday with Harry was so much fun. After we slept together I ordered a huge birthday cake for him and sang him a very happy birthday. Then we went out and ate tacos; one of his favorite foods. I knew he had fun yesterday and it will be one of those memorable days for the both of us. I know I made him feel special just like he always makes me feel. I’m very appreciative of all that he’s done for me and I hope he knows that.

I had a really rough day today though unlike yesterday. I sigh as I make my way out into the parking lot. I look back behind me and I see that I’m leaving a trail of footprints in the white snow. It’s only the second day of school because yesterday I stayed at home with Harry because it was his birthday.

I look around the lot for Harry’s car but I don’t see it anywhere. As I was about to turn and go take a seat on the bench to wait on him I see his car hurriedly driving towards me. I sigh a sigh of relief and get in as soon as he stops.

“Hey Princess, how was school today?” He asks and presses a quick kiss to my lips before driving us off.

“Harry, why do you always ask that question?” I turn to look at him.

“Well I always like to know how your day went so that’s why I ask.” He replies.

“I know and it wasn’t that good. So how was your day, cupcake?” I take his hand in mine as he drives.

He shrugs and then says, “It wasn’t that good because you weren’t with me most of the time.” He smiles.

I smile to myself as he says this. He is so nice and sweet and everything.

After about fifteen minutes of driving Harry pulls into a parking lot.

“Why did we stop here?” I ask looking out the window to see where we are but I don’t exactly recognize the environment.

“Oh don’t ask just get out.” He playfully replies and gets out himself.

I was about to open my door when he appears right outside the door and he opens it for me. He’s such a gentleman. I step out and glance down at my outfit.

“Harry I don’t think I’m not dressed for eating out in a restaurant.” I look up at him.

“Love, it’s not a fancy restaurant. And nothing is wrong with the clothes you’re wearing.” He holds my jaw and brings me up for a kiss. I have to tiptoe for it because of how tall he is.

He then takes my hand and leads me inside of the restaurant. And it’s exactly like he said; definitely not fancy. We take a window seat and look up the menu. Harry lets me order whatever I want then he places his order. We talk while we wait for our food and I like the atmosphere here. It’s really a like a normal restaurant but with lots of good food.

When our food arrive it didn’t take us long to finish it. It was so delicious. I’m glad Harry brought us here because I was starting to feel hungry when he picked me up from school. I had a long and boring day also with it being pretty rough in-between but somehow Harry always makes my day bright again. I’m so thankful for that.


Harry’s POV

I smile to myself as I see Diana sitting on the couch intent on the books she has in front of her. She has some books on the couch and some on the little coffee table in front of her. It’s obvious that she’s doing homework and lots of it too.

I walk up to her and stoop down halfway in front of her next to the coffee table. I rest my hands on her thighs and she suddenly looks up from her work. I glance at the book she’s holding and see that she’s finishing up her English homework. I know she doesn’t need help in English because she loves that subject.

I slightly pull her down to kiss me. Then I begin to message her ankles, toes and heels. When I’m finished with her feet I move to her calves and up her long, slender legs. Luckily for me she’s wearing a long-sleeved dress so I can reach all the way up to her thighs. When I reach mid-way up her thigh I press a few kisses on her legs and she giggles.

Well to me I find that very amusing so I do it a few more times again just to hear her beautiful laugh. I brush my lips against her soft legs one more time and she bursts out laughing. Oh she’s ticklish, huh? I laugh at her and discontinue tickling her because I myself am ticklish and I wouldn’t want her to tickle me right now.

I get up from stooping down and after shifting her books aside I take a seat right next to her. I cup her cheeks in both my hands and give her a long passionate kiss. I pull away after a few minutes and look into her blue eyes. She looks back into my green ones then takes one of her fingers and traces it over my lips.

“Do you need help with your homework?” I ask after a couple minutes of silence.

She shakes her head and I nod. I know she doesn’t need any help but I just wanted to be nice. I really can’t believe this beautiful girl here is my girlfriend. I think back now on the times when she just came here to live and I had to resist the urges I had to kiss her. I tried a few times but she never really wanted it; she would just push me away and I did understand why. I remember I used to long for her so badly, especially to kiss her. Now that we’re really together it’s sometimes hard to believe.


Diana’s POV

'I hear a knocking on my bedroom door. I get up from the bed and go over to unlock it. As soon as I open the door I let out a loud gasp. I feel my heart beating out of my chest and the fear starts to creep in. I feel my knees going weak and my body slightly begins to shake. Jack! Why is he here? What is he doing here? Those are the questions and more running through my head right now but the most important one is, how did he know where to find me? '

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