Chapter 60

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Harry’s POV

I pace back and forth around the little bathroom while Diana is sitting up on the bathroom counter with a worried look on her face. It’s been a week and her monthly gift still hasn’t showed. So I decided to buy her one of those pregnancy tests thingies and now we’re anxiously waiting for the results.

If I said I would like the test to be negative I would be lying because I love babies, very, very much. But I don’t want it to be positive either because although I love babies so much it’ll be scary to have one now; I’m too young and not responsible enough. Plus I don’t think Diana can take on all that responsibility now. It’s barely six months since she survived rape from that idiot Jack, and now this will be putting way too much pressure on her shoulders. But to be honest, I don’t know what I really want. Not that I’ll be angry if she’s pregnant; I’ll be so happy but if she’s not then I think it will be best for the both of us.

I sigh and stop pacing around. I pass a hand through my hair then walk up closer to my worried girlfriend. I cup her cheeks and force her to look up at me. She has a pout on her sweet lips and she looks so cute. I pass my thumb across her lips. She places both her hands on my wrists and moves my hands away from her cheeks.

“Can we check the test thingy now?” I comb a hand through her hair.

“Yeah I guess.” I help her get down the counter and we both turn our attention towards the test on the counter.

Diana takes in a deep breath then she picks up the little kind of stick thingy and looks at it. I take a few steps closer to her to look over her shoulder and as soon I my eyes catches the lines on it my eyes widen. It has two lines which mean she’s pregnant. Oh my God she’s pregnant.

From where I’m standing I see Diana place a hand over her mouth she drops the test and turns around to look at me with teary eyes. She doesn’t say anything she just crashes into my chest and starts to cry. I don’t blame her. I rub her back to comfort her and pat her hair. I feel her tight grip on my shirt as she cries.

“Harry I’m pregnant.” She mumbles in my chest while she’s still crying.

“I know baby, I know. Shh everything will be fine.” I assure her and try to shush her from all the crying but she just continues to sob, a little quieter that’s all.

I can’t believe she’s pregnant. I try to let that soak in but it feels weird and strange to know that my girlfriend is pregnant! Somehow I feel happiness inside my heart but I also feel sad and upset that she is. But I don’t care; now that I know for sure she’s pregnant I’m going to make sure she takes extra care of herself and that baby she has in her stomach.


Diana’s POV

I’m pregnant! I’m freaking pregnant! I never thought I would be pregnant until I was married. I wish I could go back to my birthday and remind Harry to put on a stupid condom. It’s so hard to take this in. I mean Harry is going to be a freaking father just now! And I’m going to be a mother! God, this is unbelievable right now. I can’t think straight and I feel so dizzy. I feel like my head is about to explode because of all this.

I groan against Harry’s chest and wipe my eyes from all the crying I just did. I really shouldn’t be this surprised because I had a feeling deep down that I was pregnant but I never expected my conscience to be right. I really was worried about all that and now that I know I have a little one inside of me I shouldn’t be acting this way in case it might affect him/her in any way.

I wonder if Harry’s happy. I pull away from his chest and look up to see his face. The look on his face is unreadable. I don’t know if he’s happy/ sad or upset about this. He looks calm but I can’t tell what he is thinking because I can’t read his facial expression. It looks somewhat sad with a glint of happiness in his eyes but I don’t know for sure.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now