Chapter 4

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Diana’s POV

Last night I slept just as good as I had slept the night before with Harry. The only difference is that last night I didn’t have any of those horrible nightmares like I did the night before.

Well the good thing is that today is Sunday; the bad thing is that tomorrow is Monday which means school.

“Good morning love.” Harry greets me as I enter the kitchen.

He is behind the counter fixing something for us to eat.

“Morning lov-I mean Harry.” Crap I was about to call him love, what is wrong with me?

I can see a smirk forming from the corner of my eye from where Harry is standing behind the counter, hands fast and busy preparing something edible for us both.

I clear my throat and take a seat on the couch. I turn on the television and flip through the channels looking for something that’s not about violence or sex because that’s all that’s been on TV lately. I hate to think of it but it’s getting pretty annoying. I hardly ever see a good movie about real love or about something that’s meaningful anymore.

I stop when I see that there’s soccer going on, on this channel ESPN. I watch a little bit of it then turn off the TV. I get up and walk into the kitchen with Harry. When he spots me coming towards him he stops and smile at me.

I take another step closer and his grin just gets wider.

“Harry are you okay?” I tilt my head a little, making sure that he’s alright.

“Never been better.” He dreamily answers.

“Okay so what are you making?” I sniff the air and I smell eggs. “Eggs?”

“Correct guess. Your nose is pretty good.” He turns to the stove and continues to finish up with the eggs while I stand waiting patiently until he’s done.

He grabs two plates from the cabinet above the counter and sets them down nicely. I feel like I need to help so I offer my assistance.

“Harry do you need me to help you with that?” I walk closer to him and watch as he empties the pan.

“No, no love I can handle it.” He smiles down at me.

“Okay.” I take a seat at the counter and so does he.

“Uh I have a question.” I keep my eyes on my food. “Why do you always call me love?”

He doesn’t respond right away, it’s like he doesn’t even know why he calls me it and he’s trying to work up an answer now.

“Well I just like calling you it. You are lovely, by the way so I think it suits you very nicely.” He touches my cheek.

“Uh no I’m not lovely.” I turn away from him and his hand that was on my cheek isn’t anymore because of the way I turned.

“Well you’re beautiful then.” He gazes at me.

“No I’m nothing like that.” I turn away from his gaze.       

“You’re so damn insecure and I don’t know what for. Well to me you are lovely and beautiful and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.” He grabs my hand that is lying on the counter and he looks me in the eyes, the way he’s looking at me looks like he wants to kiss me. Yeah he wants to because he’s leaning in. Gosh he’s so close to my lips that I can feel his hot breath on my face.

“Harry?” I feel my cheeks heat up thinking of what’s he’s about to do to me.

He leans in but I take both my hands and hold each side of his cheek and shake my head in disapproval. He gets the idea and sits back in the position he was in before, disappointment washes over his face.

I feel bad for pushing him away so many times. This isn’t the first time I’ve pushed him away from a kiss and he must be thinking that he’s such an awful guy and that I would never fall for him but the truth is I don’t want to get close to anyone ever again don’t matter how nice that person may be.

“I’m sorry.” I apologise.

“It’s okay love I understand your situation.” He ruffles my hair a little at the top. “If only you can understand mine.” This comes out more like a whisper and he probably thinks I didn’t hear it but I did.

After eating breakfast and watching some more TV, Harry and I decide to just chill and relax because today’s a Sunday and we all need a lazy day to rest and be lazy.

I sprawl my legs out on the couch and rest my head on the armrest while I scroll through my timeline on Twitter.

“Hey Princess, would you like a banana, orange or an apple?” Harry unexpectedly appears from behind the couch with the three fruits in his hands.

“I’ll take the apple thank you.” I gently take it from his hands.

“Well I’m taking the banana and the orange then.” He replies happily as he strolls over to the sofa opposite me.

I can’t help but smile seeing him smiling like that with that goofy grin on his face. I sit up and take a bite out of the apple while Harry peels his banana.

He notices when I take my feet down from the couch and take this opportunity to come closer to me. He comes and sits down right beside me on the couch.

“What are you doing?” I ask although it’s pretty obvious as to what he’s doing; he’s eating a banana and making direct eye contact with me with that goofy grin still on his face.

“Harry.” I take another bite of the apple and slightly smack his shoulder.

He just grins like an idiot. He should know better than to make eye contact with someone when eating a banana.

“Hey there’s this lake at the back of the house, hidden in the woods, do you want to check it out since we nothing else to do.” He takes another bite from his banana.

“Well not now, I feel pretty lazy at the moment. I want to relax and chill for the time being.” I continue scrolling through my timeline, not looking up at him.

He notices and peers over to catch a glance of the screen of my phone.

“What are you doing?” He sets down the banana skin on the coffee table in front of us and starts on his orange.

“I hope you’re not watching porn.” He smirks.

“What the hell? Harry take a look before jumping to conclusions please.” I lift my phone for him to see exactly what I’m doing.

“Okay Princess but I’ll be checking up on you just to make sure.” He lifts himself from the couch and walk into the kitchen.

“So what do you want for dinner tonight?” He leans over the counter waiting for my response.

“How about I cook dinner tonight?” I take my eyes of the phone and wait for his approval.

“Well since I’ve never tasted your cooking I’ll let you cook tonight.” He grins.

“You sound like you like to cook.” It’s not a question but a statement, rather.

“Yeah I do. No I love to cook, actually. I am a chef you know?” He replies.

“Well I guess you really are a chef, Chef Styles.” I wink at him and his grin grows wider.

He just nods his head in approval with me.

 A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a little boring… So I know I’m a little late on this but what do you guys think of Four? My favourite songs from the album are Stockholm Syndrome, Spaces and Night Changes. I love all but these are just my faves. So what is your favourite song from the album? xoxo

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now