Chapter 37

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Diana’s POV

I wake up with my breathing uneven and my forehead beaded with sweat. I sit up and look around only to see the sun lighting up the room a bit. So this means it’s already morning. Good, so I don’t have to go back to sleep and have another nightmare like the one I just had. Thank God it was only a dream!

I stopped having nightmares since Harry and I started sleeping together so why did I just have one? That nightmare was just like the others; horrible. I hardly ever get a good dream but when I do Harry’s always present in it which makes it a good dream to me. But I’m really trying to figure out why I got that dream out of everything else. And why did I get another nightmare after so long. I hate having these horrifying dreams because it scares me more than anything. My life is finally moving smoothly all because of Harry but somehow Jack always has to mess things up even if it’s in my dreams.

I try and brush off that dream I just had and lower myself back down on the bed. I turn to Harry and see him still sleeping. He’s lying on his back so I move closer to him and rest my head on his bare chest. He isn’t wearing a shirt neither is he wearing his pants. He sleeps in his boxers now but I still sleep in my nightgown and when I feel like it I stay in my bra and panties, most of the time to tease him.

I look up at him while I lie on his chest and I feel every breath he takes in and lets out. His chest moves up and down because of his breathing and I move myself further up so I can listen to his heartbeat. I ruffle his long hair a bit and go back to staring at my beautiful sleeping boyfriend. He’s just the cutest when he sleeps. He’s always so peaceful and I hope he’s having a good dream unlike the one I just had.

After what seems like a few minutes but really is a half an hour Harry and I get out of bed. He woke up a while ago and we just lay there staring at each other in a comfortable silence. He really is gorgeous when he wakes up but also a teeny bit cranky. But whenever I smile at him his little bad mood changes back to normal.

As soon as we reach downstairs I fix us both a bowl of oatmeal and some milk. I don’t want to be late today for class and considering that Harry and I lay in bed for a half an hour I might be a little late if I don’t hurry. We both eat quickly and then I head off to school, with Harry dropping me off and distracting me with his luscious lips again.


Harry’s POV

“Oh no I lost again.” Diana pouts at me.

I just smile at her and press retry on the button. We have been playing videogames since she got home, something I haven’t done in a long time, but luckily I’m still good at it. I stashed most of my childhood/fun stuff away a long time ago; I had to get rid of my distractions because I’m a songwriter and my manager said I couldn’t be distracted or some crap but now I don’t really care. I mean I have a room for when I have to do my writing so I won’t get distracted that easily anymore. Well Diana is a huge distraction to me but I still have to try and focus on my writing.

“Don’t worry, love you’ll get better at it. Let’s just continue playing.” I smile at her.

She nods and readies herself to play again. She looks like a real game freak now because of how she’s sitting, the controller placed in-between her hands and her eyes not losing focus on the screen in front of her.

“Oh my God Harry I won!” She soon exclaims and then I realise that I got distracted by looking at her and this time I lost the game.

I chuckle at her because she shoots up from the couch and does a happy dance. Wow that’s how happy she is because she beat me?

“I won fair and square.” She leans over and tells me as she sits back down.

“Oh no you didn’t, I was distracted that’s why I lost.” I explain.

“No you weren’t, you just can’t admit that I beat you at your own game.” She rambles on.

“No baby I really was distracted.” I defend myself.

“By what?” She asks while tilting her head slightly.

“You.” I reply and I see her blushing immediately after the words leave my mouth. Guess she wasn’t expecting that.

I smile and lean in for a small kiss but she grabs me by the neck and begins to kiss me eagerly. I kiss her back then we pull away to get some fresh air. I look at her slightly swollen lips and her blushed cheeks and smile at her. She just smiles back.

“I love you.” We both whisper at the same time.

Then we both chuckle at the same time we realised what we did. She’s just so cute. I love this relationship and I hope it never ends. I really wouldn’t like anything to happen to our great relationship. We have grown to love each other and right now we have an amazing relationship; one in which we have never fought and I intend on keeping it this way for as long as possible.

 Sadly nothing lasts forever. Sorry its short. Please don’t forget to comment, vote and share this story, thanks again. Love you guys xxx

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now