Chapter 78

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~Two Months Later~

Diana's POV

Two months have passed, and everything isn't going too well. We couldn't go to Louis soccer game and I didn't get to attend my graduation. Since this two whole months Harry isn't doing good at all. He has lost a lot of weight because he is hardly eating, he isn't sleeping well and he has become very distant. Ever since the baby died he has been acting like this. I feel terribly sorry for him and I've tried everything I possibly can but he is still the same way.

I don't know what to do again and it's just eating me up inside. I can't help and it hurts. This is the worst thing that happened to us. I think Amanda didn't want Harry all she wanted was for there to be problems in our relationship. I'm just fed up and I don't know how much more I can take. During this period I almost went back to cutting because I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know what to do again.

Before, every time there was a problem I always had Harry there and he always helped me get through it all. Although we had our problems we always pulled through but this time I don't see us pulling through with anything. All Harry did for these past two months is stay up in his little library he has, writing songs and doing God knows what. He also has been crying a whole lot as well and it hurts me to see him like this. You have no idea how much it hurts to see the person you love going through so much pain and there's nothing you can do about it.

I tried to cheer Harry up by telling him he can sleep with me all he wants now and it wouldn't be a problem but that didn't cheer him up. I even told he can get me pregnant again and this time I'll be much more careful but he just got up from the couch and went to bed when I told him. I guess there's nothing I can do to help him in this case. There's nothing that's gonna get him out of this little depression he has. It's all that stupid girl Amanda's fault. She is bad but this time she has gone too far. She killed our baby; an innocent child that wasn't even born yet and hasn't done a wrong thing in this world.

I feel so awful now and every day that goes by just gets worse. When will everything go back to the way they were? When will Harry stop moping around and go back to being the cheerful little freak he once was? When will I get my cupcake back? I love him so much and I don't know what to do. I just wish there was a way I can help him. I asked him yesterday if I can help and he said, "Yeah bring our baby Darcy back." I almost cried right in front of him but held back; I have to be strong around him and not try to look weak like him. But that was so painful just hearing those words from his mouth and the sad expression on his face just made everything even more worst.

Speaking of him here he comes now. He walks in the kitchen in just his boxers, his hair is a total mess, his eyes are red like he has been crying again and his face is just emotionless. I think he used up all his emotions and now he has turned emotionless. He passes me by the counter and he walks towards the fridge. He pulls out a carton of milk and pours himself a glass and drinks it. Okay, something really is wrong with him when he drinks milk because he doesn't like milk.

"Harry are you okay?" I walk in front of him and rest my hand on his little tummy.

He doesn't answer he just gently pushes me to the side and makes his way out the doorway of the kitchen. I rush up behind him before he steps out of the kitchen and hug him from behind. His body tenses up at first but then it relaxes as I rub his sides. I press some soft kisses to his back and after hugging for a minute or so I let him go. I know he's just not himself right now because of our baby that's why I let him go. I don't want him to get angry and lose his temper.

"I love you." I say to him as he walks out the door. I just hope he heard me and I hope he knows that I still love him and I'll always be here for him.

I know this isn't really an update because of how short it was and there isn't much happening here but I just wanted you to know how Harry is doing. He isn't in a good condition in the ending here of the book and sorry to say this is the last chapter. I'm really sorry and I know a lot of you might be disappointed but don't be because there's an author's note coming up and an epilogue I'm still working on. And I'm really sad that this book is coming to an end.....Well thank you guys, love you. Kisses xxxxx


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