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Chapter 65: Eighteen

*December 3rd*

Co-owner and owner. That's what I am now.

I own S.B.R Forces- with the help of my friends- and I'm not Adrian's assistant anymore. We work together.

Although I'm still getting his coffee, for God knows what reason.

Months have passed since the day at court. I'd be lying if I said life wasn't perfect now.

My new official family: Adrian, Jasmin, Leah, Jake, Jasmin's parents, Leah's parents, Adrian's parents, Brandon, and Rain. I never realized family were so kind until recently.

College is a dream: I'm majoring in Nursing and minoring in Social Work. Top of my classes.

I've gotten my parents' business further than my siblings ever could. Almost as if my full potential has been let out.

"You know, my birthday is tomorrow?"

I look back at Adrian as he was looking at the clothing on the Victoria Secret racks, his pupils dilating before he comes to.

"Wasn't I the one who reminded you about it this morning? You forgot your own birthday."

I didn't enjoy celebrating it much so what's the point of remembering? The only good part is the cake.

"I know I did." I respond, holding up a rhinestone underwear. "Do you think this would look good on me?"

"I won't be seeing it so-" Adrian tries to act polite despite the darkening of his eyes, biting his lip.

"Says who? I'm eighteen tomorrow, our list expires."

My boyfriend chokes as I smile innocently, walking away to the cashier with my things.

We've been shopping all day, I needed to get something in after all the hours of his teasing.

I pay for my items and wait for the lady to hand me the bag, thanking her with a grin.

"Roni-Ann, you are too pure for this world." Mr. Hayes takes my hand in his as we walk out the shop, heading to his car in the parking lot. "But with me? Not so much."

"Isn't that what makes life so amazing?" I giggle, opening the trunk.

Making space for my bags, I find my music box in its protection case.

"What's my music box doing back here, Dian? I thought Brandon took it last week?" I question him, pointing at the object.

"Oh, he left it in here. Since he wanted you to get your new song once before he arrived."


My boyfriend shakes his head slowly. "He mentioned something about not wanting to cry with you since it's your birthday and yours only."

Have I mentioned that Brandon has a mind of his own now? At least someone learned something after court.



"Adrian! Did you get Roni-Ann's gift for her birthday? It's tomorrow!"

"No, duh. Did you?"

"I left it at my house." Jasmin yells back at him, sitting besides me on the bed. "I'm leaving to go get it."

"Or are you leaving to go get my decorations?"

I'm used to this. They lie about forgetting a gift at either house then leave to get it. I fall asleep and- by the next morning- the house is decorated.

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