Dead Weight

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Chapter 35: Dead Weight

Bouncing down the stairs, I walk through the foyer and living room, making a beeline into the kitchen.

A woman was already in there fixing something by the stove and I clear my throat.

"Good morning." I chirp, smiling at her. She jumps, turning to look at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine, sweetheart. Roni-Ann, right? You're Mr. Hayes' girlfriend."

That wasn't even a question.

I start coughing and she runs to my side, patting my back for me.

"I'm not his girlfriend."

"You aren't? I could have sworn," The lady furrows her brows. "He refuses to bring women home. You're the first."

I wonder why.

I nod and walk to the sink, turning it on and washing a cup out.

"I'm Josephine Baxter, by the way. And I can fix something for you."

"No thank you, Ms. Baxter." I hum, pouring out some hot water. "Do you have any tea here?"

"Oh yes, there are a few."

Ms. Baxter walks around the island to open a cupboard, revealing a variety of teas.

"That's more than a few."

"Just like your hickeys." She points towards my neck, waving the finger around.

"Hickeys?!?!" Quickly spinning around, I hold a frying pan up and examine my neck, looking at the multiple discolored spots. "He barely kissed me there!"

"I guess he's just good at those things." Ms. Baxter laughs, taking the pan away from me.

"Well anyways, hon, Mr. Hayes had me go shopping for him the other day because he didn't know which one you'd like."

Cute. I'll look past the markings.

Looking through the assortment, my eyes land on the green tea and my heart drops, but I close my eyes to shake the feeling off.

I giggle and take the green tea out, pulling a teabag from the rest and putting the box back. Fixing my tea, I sit down to drink, looking up at Ms. Baxter.

"Do you have cake mix? I could bake for Adrian."

"I wouldn't." Ms. Baxter tells me, placing a pan over the stove.

"Why not?"

"Mr. Hayes doesn't like cupcakes and desserts like that."

I raise an eyebrow in amusement, shaking my head. "Adrian loves cupcakes, especially with buttercream icing. You don't know him like I do."

"And you tell me you aren't his girlfriend?" She laughs, opening another cupboard. "But there is no cake mix here."

"I can make it from scratch."

Standing up, I wash my cup out and get to work, pushing the raw batter into the oven after ten minutes.

Swiping my finger across the inside of the bowl, I lick it and smile to myself, dancing around.

The doorbell rings and I notice Ms. Baxter's face pales, preparing to answer the door.

"I can get it for you."

"Would you, sweetheart?"

"Mhmm." I skip out the kitchen and out to the foyer, tip-toeing to look out the peep-hole before opening the door. "How may I-"

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