Head? Ache?

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Chapter 59: Head? Ache?

*next day*

"Can I come to work with you today, Ron?"

"Me too! Me too!"

My friends question me as I walk around my room, packing my bag for work.

"You'd have to ask Adrian that." I tell them, smiling at my phone.

Jasmin goes on pause as I hear her finger clicking on the phone, her picture coming back soon after.

"Daddy long legs said yes. So I'll meet you there." Jami hums while rolling over onto her back, getting off her bed.

Leah makes a random noise as she picks her phone up, holding it close to her eye.

"Roni-Ann, you're blinding me." She gasps. "So many lights on it your room."

"You're blinding yourself with that big-ass eye showing on my screen." I respond, heading back to my vanity. "Back the hell up."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Jasmin agrees with me, scowling.

Leah scoffs while moving away from the screen, posing once her full face is shown.

"Pretty girl." I coo, giving her a smile.

"Aww. Thank you, Gryffindor."

The three of us continue to talk about nonsense as I fix my hair, my friends looking for clothes to wear.

I get a bit lightheaded in the process and clutch the edge of my vanity, looking down at my feet.

"Roni-Ann?! What happened?" My friends call out to me as I shake my head, standing straight again.

"I'm fine. I promise."

I think something going to happen today. I don't feel too good.


Parking my car in my designated parking spot, I peer out the window to find where my boyfriend was in his car, soon seeing him coming around to the passenger door of his vehicle.

Adrian was standing against his car as I get out of my own, locking the door behind me.

Tilting my head up to look at him, I wink jokingly. "Hey, bubba. How are you?"

"I'm alright. What about you?" He hums, holding his hand out for me.

Skipping over his question, I accept his hand and we walk out of the parking lot, heading into the building.

Adrian stops to talk to the security guards so I go into the lounge to make a coffee for him, not wanting to converse with many people today.

I accidentally put sugar in it again, looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody was watching me.

"I saw that." Adrian chuckles as he walks into the lounge with me, sitting down on one of the stools.

"You saw nothing."

Finishing the coffee, I place it in Adrian's hand before moving past him, walking straight into an open elevator.

He follows behind me and presses the button for the top floor, leaning against the wall to get a better look at me.

"Are you okay, Rain?"

"I'm fine, why?" My voice raised a bit as I play with the strap of my bag, keeping eye contact with him.

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