Touchy? Touché

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Chapter 56: Touchy? Touché

Turning over on my side, I kiss Adrian's forehead before getting off the bed, hearing him groan.

"Come back. Now."

"No. You get up."

"Please? I was comfortable." I hear a plead in Adrian's tone and turn to look at him, seeing his eyes barely open. "And you and I already showered separately and brushed our teeth, so what's the point of getting up."

"You're adorable in the morning. Never wanting to wake up." I giggle, sitting back down on the bed.

"Says you. If you could, you would complain as well." Adrian chuckles, sitting up with his back against the headboard.

"Calling me out, I see. Touché."

Adrian places his hands on my waist and picks me up, placing me to straddle his torso.

"Well this is-"

"Shut up."

We don't speak anymore as Adrian kisses me forcefully, causing my eyes to shut from bliss.

I try to deepen the kiss but he pulls away laughing, squeezing my hips in the process.

I wanted a kiss though.

"Okay, you're free to go now."

Getting off of Adrian and the bed, I walk into the bathroom with a pout, checking for Rain in the process.

"Rain? Wake up." The puppy's head quickly snaps around to look at me and I laugh, getting on my knees before patting them. "Come here, girl."

Rain yaps and runs into my lap, allowing me to scratch behind her floppy ears.

"Okay, lovey. This is for you." I pull a toy star out of my pajama pocket and she bites it, tugging it out of my hand. "Go play."

Standing up again, I head into the bathroom and take my emergency bag from the side of the sink, rummaging through it to find my mascara.

Seeing Adrian walk to the bathroom door from the side of my eye, I start reciting a quote while applying mascara, making him stop in his tracks.

"You know, I was starting to think that wishing on stars was for babies and," I pause, pulling the bottom of my eye to act it out fully. "Crazy people."

"So... you and your friends wish on stars?" He questions, smirking at me.

I gasp dramatically and place a hand on my chest. "So mean!"

"I'm joking, princess."

"Uh huh."

Adrian steps behind me and I give him a questioning look through the mirror, watching as he gathers my hair in his hands. He reaches over me to pick up a hair clip and secures my hair with it, making a low bun.

Oh gosh. My heart.

"Stop touching me." I mumble, covering my mouth to exhale harshly.

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