It Was Obvious

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Chapter 72: It Was Obvious

*two months later*

Is it possible to forget your pregnant? I did.

Mainly because I wasn't feeling sick, therefore I didn't have this thought in my mind.

"But now I'm remembering that pregnancy symptoms aren't always going to happen."

"You didn't remember shit. You threw up your lunch. And your tea."

"Yeah, and now I've had a realization." I refute, buttoning my pants before sitting on the toilet. "Imagine if months went by and we just thought I was getting fat."

"Like you've ever gotten chubby." Adrian rolls his eyes and I laugh, holding up the test for the third time in the past fifteen minutes. "Is it still positive?"

"I'm scared! What if it says negative now?"

"Roni-Ann, please read the damn stick."

"Fine, fine." I huff and flip the front of the pregnancy test to me, moving my hand away slowly.

I'm a mother. No drama.

"Do you think we'll have a boy or a girl?" I giggle, holding it up for my husband to see.

"You're still pregnant?" Adrian's mouth opens from shock, shortly turning into a smile.

"No, I'm talking about a dragon." I deadpan, looking at my stomach. "Oh wow, I do have a little pudge. Look!"

"I can't believe this! Wait, actually, I can." Adrian pauses to pick me up off the toilet, hugging me tightly. "We're going to be parents."

"We are!"

This is the second time we've gotten excited over my pregnancy.

Adrian spins me around and I hold onto his shoulders for safety, getting dizzy after a while.

"I want to go show Rain. Release me, Mr. Hayes."

"I'm going to go call my parents, they've been bothering me about your status all week." Placing me back on my feet, Adrian bends down to kiss my forehead before talking his phone out my back pocket. "I love you, Mrs. Hayes."

"I love you more. Now leave me alone."

Patting his chest, I walk past him and out the bathroom, searching for the dog.

"Rain! Come here, lovey!"

The dog comes running out the closet with a blanket in her mouth as I bend down, taking it from her.

"Look, again." I smile, holding up the stick. "I am giving you a tiny human to protect."

Rain barks and I nod, standing up straight soon after.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I hold it up to my face and open my messages, texting my friends.

»»————-  ————-««

Me: I've been craving friendly attention.
Me: us, tomorrow, cafe? We don't even have to text Jake because he'll already be there.

JAMI 🍵🌱: you paying? 👀
JAMI 🍵🌱: Or maybe we can get Jake to pay. Mr. Co-owner.

LIAH 💫🍯: get together for?
LIAH 💫🍯: not that we don't hang out every few days but 👀

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