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Chapter 32: Business

Gold and yellow hues of light peek through my yellow curtains and I hum, rolling onto my side. Rubbing my eyes, I open them and look over the side of my bed, checking for my slippers.

I sit up and slip my feet into them, getting up and shuffling towards the curtains. Opening them, I look outside and smile, lazily opening the window to let in some fresh air.

For the first time in a while, I had a day off from work.

The building was closed for the next two days.

Walking away to my vanity, I take my phone off the charger and leave again, the bathroom calling my name.

Scrolling through my messages, I read my friends' drunk words, rolling my eyes. Come to think of it,

Where are they?

I finish my business and wash my hands, walking into my room to get my towel before going to shower.

Simple day for once.


"Roni-Ann! Our heads hurts."

"That sounds so personal." I mutter, tying my hair up.

"Aish! Hangovers suck ass!" Leah complains, throwing a pill in her mouth as I continue to go through my Instagram account.

People are crazy.

"You should post, your followers miss you." Jasmin tells me, tapping the screen of my phone.

That's what I noticed, almost 100,000 comments on my posts. It's weird, they love me online, but in person they want to hurt me.


They're lucky I did my hair nicely this morning.

Walking to the window, I give Leah my phone and she takes a picture, giving it back to me to edit.

"I'm not posting this though. Nobody needs to see my life." I tell my friends, watching them nod.

"I posted. Now we-" I get cut off by my phone's dinging, over and over again. "Wait."

"I told you."

»»————-  ————-««

liked by buttercuphoe and 10,000 others

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liked by buttercuphoe and 10,000 others

gucci.bubbles you clowns missed me? 🤡 I'm hungery 😔

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blossom_me bitch she's alive
buttercuphoe and probably uglier than ever
gucci.bubbles that's not what your date said about me 🥱
blossom_me tea 🐸☕️
fckbaby the trio lives. omg I love you guys
gucci.bubbles @/fckbaby you love me more tho, right? 🥺🥰
fckbaby yes 💀

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