Happy Man

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Chapter 53: Happy Man

*next day*

"Good morning, y'all!"

"It's too early to be that happy. Shut it."

Jasmin starts to nod off again, her face beginning slipping off her palm but I use my index finger to keep her upright.

I hum and hold Rain close to my chest with my other hand, laughing at the puppy's shocked expression.

"Good morning, beautiful ladies!" I hear Adrian from the kitchen entrance and look up, watching as he stretches.

"Why is he so happy too?" Jasmin mumbles as Adrian kisses my cheek. "Did you guys do something inappropriate last night? He's never this happy."

"We didn't! How many times-"

"We know, Rain. We're just kidding." Leah chuckles, sitting in front of me. "No baby making while still a baby, I raised you right."

"Yet you always say such things."

Adrian laughs at our conversation and I tilt my head to face him, smiling at how cheerful he was this morning.

"Who put sugar in your cereal?" I giggle.

"You did." He boops my nose and I flinch, closing my eyes.

"But we didn't eve-" I begin to reply but Adrian grasps my chin and pulls my face closer to him, catching me off guard as I'm kissed.


Before I'm allowed to finish my answer again, Ms. Baxter walks into the kitchen with a broom in her hand.

"Good morning, Ms. Baxter. These are my friends, Leah and Jasmin."

Her eyes widen due to surprise and she places the broom into the pantry, grinning at me.

"I didn't realize there were other people here today. G'morning, Roni-Ann. I should start fixing breakfast."

"Who's that?" Jasmin murmurs in her sleep, her eyes barely opening.

"Adrian's maid. She's amazing."

Ms. Baxter begins taking out some pans and I hand Rain to her father, patting Adrian so that he can place his hand under Jami's chin.

"Let me help you."

"Oh you don't need to, honey. I can manage."

I turn back to glance at Adrian, seeing him speaking to Rain.

"You're coming to work with me, yes! You can bite Gina today. That annoying ass bitch."

I seriously keep forgetting she exists.

Shaking my head quickly, I take a few of the pans from her, placing them onto the counter.

"I insist. Besides, Adrian needs actual sugar in his system to justify for his actions."


"Doesn't the sun look brighter today, Adrian?"

"It does. And those clouds really set off today's vibe."

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