Shut Up

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Chapter 44: Shut Up

"Good morning!"

"Yes, Roni?"

Standing behind my brother, I inhale deeply before sighing happily.

"Why are my nostrils so happy?" I smile before peeking around Brandon to look at the stove.

"I made pancakes. Where are Jasmin and Leah?" Brandon places the last pancake on top of the others and sets the plate on the dinning table.

"Oh. Those peasants? They're still sleeping. Jami and I had a war last night and we all stayed up until midnight."

"I am not a peasant!"

"You're right. You're the joker." I reply back to Leah, winking with both my eyes.


"I don't speak to peasants so early in the morning!"

"Well then, did you talk to yourself yet?" I hear Jasmin's voice sound out from the top of the stairs.

"Ah," I gasp and place my hand over my heart. "You have offended my poor sweet heart."

"Laughing my fucking ass off!" She yells before cackling.

"Ew." Leah rubs her eyes as I hug her, tip-toeing to pat her head.

"Shut it."

"You shut it."

"I want to feel included," I raise my hand, waving it around. "Both of y'all, shut it."

"Can you three not? It's too early." Brandon grumbles, washing his hands.

"Where's Sena?" I question, looking back from my seat at the island.

I'm in a mood today.


"She's lucky."

"Why so?" Brandon chuckles, catching onto my tone."

"I'm in a certain mood today."

"Which is?"

Leah looks up from her pancake and I shrug, pouring syrup into mine before eating.

"I don't know." I hum, pushing another bite into my mouth. "This is really good."

"Thank you, Rain." Brandon responds. "Now eat up, you have work."

The four of us eat while making light conversation, me constantly looking at the kitchen entrance to check for my sister.

"Thanks, Brandon! I'm going to get dressed now."

Standing up, I turn the sink on and quickly wash my plate, speed-walking out the kitchen soon after.

"What are you wearing though?!" Jami yells to me, following behind me.

"My white dress."

"Ooh, getting married to your husband today, I see."

"Shut your bitch ass up." Grumbling, I snap my finger from realization.

There's my mood.


"Good morning, gorgeous. You're late."

"Don't care."

"Oh? Is that so?" Mr. Hayes inquires, raising an eyebrow at me.

I laugh nervously from his gaze, pursing my lips out.

"Yes. Yes it is."

Not bothering to speak any more, I push my seat around the table closer to Adrian, preparing to work.

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