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Chapter 60: Lifeline-ing

This really isn't going to end well. I can see it now.

I look up the staircase to see who else was here, noticing my bed frame on the stairs.

"Sena? What's going on?" I question my sister, directing my attention to her.

Sena scowls before coming closer to me, pulling my hair as I wince.

"What kind of stupid question was that? I'm sick and tired of having you in my life, Murder-Ann."

I don't have the strength to fight back.

My uncles throw the bed frame down the stairs with force, the object cracking to pieces right in front of me.

Here's to another day of letting them win.

"Like we've said before, murderers don't deserve nice things." One of my uncles continue to break my things and I take a step forward to stop him, getting held back by my aunts.

"But, I didn't kill our parents, Sena. Yo-you know that." Letting out a dry sob, I stop struggling and speak calmly to my sister.

"All I know is that you're a killer. The only reason they would die is by the only other person in the fucking car. You."

She picks up a picture frame with a photo of my friends and I as my aunts finally let me go. Sena throws it directly at me and the glass breaks, a piece of it cutting my neck.

"Clean up your mess, Roni-Ann." My grandma taunts.

My mess?

"Excuse me, what the fuck?" I look up at her and scowl, something clicking inside my head. "I look like I broke that?"

"Who do you think you're talking to, Murder-Ann. She said to pick it up." My sister repeats and I look at her next.

Sena holds her arm up to slap me but I grab it, pushing her arm back down. I slap her instead and she gasps, holding her cheek as her eyes water.

I pause for a moment as I feel something run down my neck, ignoring it to get back to my 'family'.

"At this point, I'm not every tired of you people. What would Mommy and Papa think? Huh?!?!" My voice starts rising as I stare Sena down, making a fist at her.

"They would hate you too for trying to kill them." Aunt Dominique responds.

"You're sick if you believe they'd think that. I don't wish death on anyone but I hope you all pass in a painful way." I spit, going back to my main argument.

"You guys are always saying I killed my parents. Mommy unbuckled my seatbelt and told me to get out." I explain, repeatedly touching my chest. "Nobody else was in the car but us! You guys don't know shit."

My body starts to tremble from frustration, my eyes starting to water as well before I quickly wipe it away.

"You just said it yourself. You were the only one in the car with them. It was your birthday. Stop trying to deny the fact that you killed them."

"How could I deny it if you people always remind me that I killed them? I didn't." I struggle to keep the same energy as my voice cracks, all of my adrenaline going down.

At least I got farther than normal today.

Feeling a presence behind me, I don't realize something until it actually happens. One of my cousins pull my hair again and I wince in pain, finally giving up.

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