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Chapter 37: Build

"Good morning!" I hear Leah scream downstairs as I fix the loose strand of hair.

"Bitch move!" Jasmin responds and I hear Leah scoff.

I quietly walk down the stairs and into the living room, hiding behind the couch.

"Grr!" I enunciate as the two of them walk by and jump, startled.

"Why would you do that?" Jasmin pants and I smile up at her.

"It was funny!" I smile even wider, checking my phone.

Adrian: You guys ready?

"We're going out!" Leah yells and fist bumps the air. I stand next to her and copy her moves, texting Adrian back with my free hand.

Me: yeah, and?

Adrian: I'm outside. The three of you should hurry up.

Me: where are we going?

Adrian: Don't ask.

"Are you sure you don't want a sweater, Roni?" Jasmin pinches me as we walk outside, heading towards Adrian's car. "It's kind of chilly."

I don't feel it.

"I'm positive."

"I can't believe we're going out with your official boyfriend!" Leah cheers while opening the car door, loud enough for Adrian to hear. "You heard that, didn't you?"

"Yeah. Get in."

I sit in the passenger seat and buckle myself in, turning to smile at Adrian.


"Hello, princess."

"Hello, princess." Jasmin mocks him, sticking her tongue out at us. "Cute couple."

Adrian looks at the three of us and raises an eyebrow. "Why are the three of you always matching?"

"We aren't matching. I'm wearing a dress, Jami has a skirt on and Leah is wear an overall skirt."

"It's still denim and pink, no?"

"Your point is?"

"Roni-Ann, me confundes." (You confuse me) Adrian grumbles, pulling out of the driveway.

"Good, stay confused."

He scowls and continues to drive down the road, reaching the highway shortly after.

"Where are we going?" I ask the three of them, noticing how they had the same look on their faces.

"It's a surprise."

"I like surprises, but I'm confused. Tell me!"

"Bien, mantente confundido." (Good, stay confused.)

"You asshole."


"What? We're going here?"

"Yeah, they thought you'd like it."

I turn to look at my friends, noticing their sly smiles.

"Thanks guys."

I'm uncomfortable but it's okay. It's the thought that counts I suppose.

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