Separation Issues

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Chapter 70: Separation Issues

*five months later*

"The after effect of passionate is no different from rough. One effects your whole body and the other just effects your lower half."

"It is different."

"You never complained about not walking before. I'm confused."

"We're talking about you with Adrian, miss girl." Jasmin corrects me, using her hand to silence me. "My man can't do it like that."


"You're right." I giggle, leaning against one of my college friends' head top.

My friends and I were sitting in the suite and talking about our significant others, the group of them changing the subject to Adrian's... skills.

"I remember the day after Adrian proposed to Ron." Claire- the friend I was laying on- voices, shaking me as she laughs. "This bitch came into the classroom limping and-"

"Let's not talk about that!" I stop her, moving so that I'm next to Leah. "Can we go to the floor below us?"

"The floor below us is the guys' suite." Leah clarifies, looking up at me.

"I know that, Lele."

"You want to go see Adrian, huh? That's bad luck to see him before the wedding. And you most definitely don't want bad luck. Adrian would probably take you and have you limping for a week." She rants, snickering as she envisions me limping again. "Per usual."

All this woman has on her mind is sex. Sheesh.

"Leah, look here. This is my business and this is you." I mumble, showing her my right hand making a circle. I take my left hand and insert my fingers into the open space, holding it up for her to see.

"You're in my business."

Removing my left hand, I hold my index finger up and shake it, touching her nose after. "Don't do that."

Leah sniffles as I retract my hand, standing up off the bed.

My phone goes off and I take it off the table, pushing my hair out of my face so that the phone opens.

DIAN 😰🥰: I miss you Roni

I open the message and respond back to him, the message bubbles showing up before I press send.

Me: I feel special 😌 as you should

DIAN 😰🥰: We're in the lobby. by Dunkin' Donuts.
DIAN 😰🥰: Just come down, we can have lunch together.

Me: I'll see if I can come. Wait for me

Turning my phone off, I look over at the woman on the floor and kick her foot gently, getting her attention.

"Margi! Are there donuts left?"

I already know it's finished.

Margi looks up from the floor and shakes her head, shuffling onto her knees. "Let's go get more."

I laugh sneakily before clicking my tongue, nodding. "You said it, not me. Let's go!"

My friends get up and we walk out the room and through the living room, getting on the elevator.

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