The Events

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Chapter 6: The Events

Parking in my designated space, I slam my car door shut and look over the other car, watching Mr. Hayes step out.

"You're here early?"

"I just wanted to have time to park." I giggle nervously, playing with the straps of my bag. "You look like you're late though, it's 6:01, Mr. Hayes."

He chuckles while leaning against the roof of his car, staring me down. Biting his lip, he doesn't break eye contact with my body and I fidget under his gaze.


"Huh?" I utter, tilting my head.

"My name is Adrian. You can call me when we're alone."

He stands straight and walks out the parking lot, me trailing behind him.

"Today we have a meeting at 12:30. For a subdivision-"

"What exactly is your profession?" I question, waiting as he opens the building door.

"Many different things: electronics, cosmetics, housing, stocks, clubs, etc. I'm a rich man, it's what I do."

"Oh cool."

"About clubs," Adrian clicks his tongue as we step onto the elevator, looking down at me. "Last night. It was interesting."

"Let's not talk about that, I'm embarrassed enough." I plead.

"I knew it was you even before you started laughing. I don't know how though."

"That's fine. Just forget about it."

The elevator finally stops on the top floor and he moves to the side to let me out first.

"Sadly, I can't."

"And why not?" Placing my hands in my hips, I walk with him to his office and wait patiently. "Please don't tell me that goes on my records?"

The one thing I want to let go of.

"Of course not, it's personal stuff." Mr. Hayes hums as he pushes the door open, waiting for me to walk in. "It's just some things happened after that, and now I can't forget what you did."

"What did I-"

"Let's forget about it!"

Didn't I say that earlier? The fuck.

"Okay. What would you like from the lounge, Mr. Hayes?" I giggle, sway back and forth on my heels.

Mr. Hayes bites his lip while staring me down and I continue to wait.

"A coffee, no sugar no milk. And a sesame bagel." He shrugs and leaves to sit down, taking his laptop out of his bag.


Randomly, he starts to cough harshly, patting his chest to stop. "No, just leave it as is."

I nod and walk out of the room, going to my office first to put my bag down.

"Today's going to be a good day."


"When you press this, always make sure that this setting is neutral, okay?"

"And what does this one do?" I ask, pointing to the corner of the screen.

Mr. Hayes gave me a tablet so that it would be easier to organize my notes for the day. Surprisingly, he's taking the time to teach me as well.

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