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Chapter 43: Simplicity

"Come here, you have something in your hair."

"How can you even see my hair from where you are?"

I gasp dramatically and place my hand on my chest, looking up at Adrian. "Are you calling me short?"

"Yes, clearly." He hums, taking a step back so he can bend down.

I brush the top of his hair off before patting it gently, laughing to myself.

"So, we still have an hour before the other employees come. I was thinking we could get some work done for the first time in forever?" I click my tongue, sitting on top of his desk.

"Sure. I left files in your office, you can bring them in here."

"Or I could work in my own office?"

"Why?" Adrian questions, folding his arms.

"Because what's the point of it if I'm never there?"

Copying his pose, I press my lips together. Adrain unfolds his arms before walking closer to me, ruining his posture to be eye level with me.

He holds my face up with his index finger and I keep myself from blushing, awkwardly looking around the room.

"You're acting like you're too good for my office. Just be a princess and stay."

"Princess is my nickname, no? And don't they always leave in the movies?" I challenge Adrian, squinting my eyes with a smile. "It's not going to change."

"Fine. Be free."

Mr. Hayes pouts as I kiss his nose gently, jumping off the desk and skipping to the door. I look back to see him sit at the desk before moving closer to the intercom.

Not bothering to pay him any more attention, I walk out the room and into my office, starting to sort through the multiple papers.

"I'm heartbroken due to the princess in the building today. Here's 'Savage Love' by Jason Derulo." I hear Adrian's voice from the speaker, the song beginning to play.

This man is so annoying.

I shake my head and read the document in my hand, a smile playing against my lips as I sing to myself.

"I try to make you stay, but your... Savage love. Did somebody, did somebody break your heart?" Mr. Hayes comes walking into my office, singing and snapping along with the beat. "When you kiss me I know you don't give two fucks."

"Get out. Right now."

"No can do, princess. In the movies, the princess always. Gets." Mr. Hayes walks around the table and kneels down, poking my nose repeatedly. "Caught."



"Hey, Ron. What's up?"

"We're coming to the cafe. We're parking." I tell my friend, watching as Leah backs into the empty space. "Jasmin, Leah, Adrian and I."

"Yeah I know. Adrian is already here." Jake chuckles, the coffee machine turning on.

"Jake I want something free!" Leah yells from beside me, taking my phone out my hand to put it on speaker. "A lemonade preferably."

"I want a free scone. Maple preferably." Jasmin states from the back.

"No. I have to serve a couple now. See you three when you come."

Leah hangs up on him and pushes my phone into her overall pocket, opening the driver's door to exit the car.

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