In Paris

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Chapter 26: In Paris

"Today, on a Saturday afternoon. I have realized something."

He cares about me. I never knew those things were possible.

The only male in my life who has cared about me before would be Jake. Brandon too I guess, but he doesn't show it because he doesn't want to upset Sena.

I like this feeling.

'I, Roni-Ann Ember, have an official crush on Mr. Hayes.'

"Say it louder for the people in the back!" Leah yells and I look down at my phone, scowling at her.

"Wait, what? I missed it!" Jasmin jumps forward in her bed and stares at the screen, grinning.

"She likes Adrian."

"I knew it from the club!" Jas exclaims, causing her phone to fall over.

Yeah, that night...

"Chaotic." I mumble, facepalming myself.

"Shut up."

"Wait, I'll be back." Leah's camera turns off and I hear her start texting, her acrylic nails giving a louder effect. "Alright. I'm back, bitches."

"Who were you texting?" I ask her, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Leah starts choking and I shake my head. "No one."

"Why are you texting in the group chat?" Jasmin question and I check my phone, not seeing a message.

"What group chat?"

"Nothing! It's just one with Mr.-"

"Bitch, shut the fuck up."

The two of their phones go off and they exit the FaceTime again.

I wait patiently, hearing them laugh simultaneously. "What are you guys doing?"

"This guy is funny!"


"Uh, just Jake." Leah mumbles, coming back into view. "Jasmin come back."

"Mr. Hayes is going out tonight." Jasmin states, wiggling her eyebrows.

"And how do you know that?"

"He just texted me privately, you genius."

The minute she says that, the doorknob starts jingling and I get up, unlocking the door.

"Yes, sir?"

"I thought we agreed not the lock the doors today?" Adrian hums, leaning against the door frame.

I nod my head slowly and step back for him, walking back to the bed. "I forgot, father."

Why did I say that?

"What do you call your father?" He questions and I raise an eyebrow.


"Good. I don't go by father."

What's that supposed to mean?

"Is there something you needed?" I ask, smiling up at him. "You said there were no meetings today."

"There aren't. But I'm meeting up with a friend."

"And that concerns me... how?" I stress, puffing up my cheeks.

"It's at a restaurant. Le Cinq, five star rating." Adrian tells me and I spin around on the bed, turning my back to him.

"I don't have five star clothing."

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