Acting Boss

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Chapter 42: Acting Boss

I'm the boss today!

I guess that's a perk of being the personal assistant, and the girlfriend.

I don't know why Adrian is out today but I'm not complaining.

"Leah! They won't listen to me!"

"Roni-Ann, stop complaining."

Okay, maybe I am complaining.

But it's only because Mr. Hayes left the company in my hands along with a meeting.

"Will you guys come help me? Please?" Pouting, I make sure to use my sweetest tone, knowing that my friends can't say no to it.

"Sure, Gryffindor. We'll be there in a couple of minutes." Jasmin agrees. "Now go back to your meeting. Command your respect!"

Hanging up on my friends, I take a deep breath in and look around the hall, waving to one of my coworkers as she passes by.

"Command respect. Got it." I pull my blazer off and throw it into my office, walking back to the meeting room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope we can try this again."

"Not a child trying to make a business deal. Go back to your baby dolls, little girl." One of the older men taunts and I turn my head to look at him.

"I'm a minor, not a pre-schooler, love. Learn the difference." I state, typing something into my laptop. Turning the computer to him, I tap it repeatedly. "See? I'm not five."

"Those butterflies in your hair say otherwise." He mutters again, causing the room to erupt with laughter.

Grown people acting like this, embarrassing.

I quickly shake my head to allow my clips to fall out, keeping a straight face. "Better?"

Dad said to never let them think you're stupid. 'You aren't stupid.'

The adults stop laughing and I smirk, brushing my clothes off. "Thank you."

"Why should we hear what a teenage girl has to say? Adrian has been trying to get the partnership for months."

"I knew you'd say that." I open my files and pull out my personal information, showing the table my documents.

"I graduated top of my graduating class. Highest grades. And I'm sure you've heard of my parents and siblings? Owners of 'S.B.R. Forces'."

The group starts whispering things about me as I rub my arm uncomfortably, waiting for their responses.

"Your parents were life savers. Why don't you work there?" A lady questions and I giggle, sitting at the head of the table.

"I'm not supposed to say this because it looks bad on my sister but, I'm the one who manages their financing and employee checks. So technically I do, but my sister won't admit that."

"I like this girl. Let's hear what she has to say."


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