Allow Me

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Chapter 1: Allow Me

"Did I ever, ask you to take me to go shopping in Paris?"

"Or go sailing over seas and just drape me in Gucci?"

"No. All I ever asked was you to pick up the phone when you alone-"

"Roni-Ann, Leah, Jasmin?" My older sister yells our names from downstairs and I turn the music of, catching my friends attention.

"Does she not know Summer is on?" Leah sighs, standing up from the ground.

The three of us exit my room and stand at the top of the stairs, my brother and sister at the bottom.

"Yes, Sena?" I give her my sweetest smile the minute I notice what she was wearing.

She could end me.

"I know you've heard that we have a potential joiner, the owner of a big company-"

"He's as good as us though, we're part of the police force and shit." My older brother, Brandon, runs out of the kitchen, dressed in a suit.

"I wouldn't know, he's your friend." Sena rolls her eyes before continuing. "Anyways, we made a deal. He'll be here tonight for finalization."

"You two, help her get dressed." Brandon acknowledges my friends before walking away once more, leaving us.

"Well, let's make you pretty Roni."

Leah drags me back into my room and I gasp, allowing them to do their work.

"Was I not pretty before?"

"You were gorgeous. But if a man is coming over, we need to tone it down or else your siblings will kill us." Jasmin laughs, holding my face up in her hands.

"Well, go ahead."


"Are you ready? I don't care, he's here."

My sister begins to open the door for our guest and I put on a smile, waving at the door for him.

"That's a she, Sena." I mutter, raising an eyebrow at my sister's friend.

"Gina, what are you doing here?"

"Mr. Hayes couldn't make it tonight. So he sent me instead. I'll make it brief for all of us."

Gina shrugs her coat off and hands it to my brother, grinning slightly at him.

"Adrian wants her," She states, pointing at me. "To work as his personal assistant. If she agrees, it will be a paid internship, and the deal is on."

Hayes? Adrian Hayes, a rich guy. Basically the richest around here.

I've heard he's ruthless. And a player.

Must be nice.

"Of course then!" My sister exclaims, not waiting for my input.

"What if I don't want to work?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Too bad. She's in."

"Great, you'll start next week. Until then, au revoir."

Gina thanks my brother before hugging Sena, the two of them walking to the door together to continue talking.

The minute she leaves, I groan in annoyance, causing my siblings to look at me.

"What's your problem?"

"I don't want to work for someone I don't know! You two won't even let me work for you."

"I don't want a murderer working under our family name." Sena shrugs, turning her back from me.

"I'm not a murderer, it was-"

"An accident. We know." She mocks me, pushing past me to go upstairs. "You're working and that's final."

"I believe in you, Ron." Brandon gives me a thumbs up, preparing to go to the kitchen.

They leave me alone in the main entrance and I walk to the door, standing in front of our parents' pictures.

"I'll make you guys proud. And I apologize, again."


Author's Note:

Feelings on the story's beginning? I'd love to hear from you.

I wanted to make a cute cast list in the previous part ^^ but, I couldn't find anyone who looked like how I imagined each character. So I'm leaving it to your imagination <3

Minor Notes: this story will involve some conversations between Roni and her friends. The girls have usernames and their group chats will be shown as the powerpuff girls.


Instagram: gucci.bubbles
iMessages: RAIN 🦋🍭


Instagram: blossom_me
iMessages: LIAH 💫🍯


Instagram: buttercuphoe
iMessages: JAMI 🍵🌱

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