At Home

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Chapter 10: At Home

"Oh, oh. Like baby girl, what it do?"

"23 with a bad attitude."

"Just trying to stick my tongue in you." I imitate, pointing at my brother and winking. "So baby, let's hit the roof."

Jasmin and Leah stand at the living room entrance with me and Brandon looks back at us, scowling.

"I'm not speaking to you still, Roni."

"Why not?"

"Because you went to that club. And you were dancing with my friend."

"He didn't complain though." Jasmin laughs, walking past me to sit down. "His little friend was excited when he saw Roni dancing."

"Yeah, Brandon. Loosen up!" Leah cheers, falling backwards onto my brother's lap.

"Adrian is high when it comes to Roni. I don't need that." Brandon mutters as Leah continues to look up at him, making him scowl at her.

"High?" I repeat, tilting my head. "Huh?"


Leah rolls off of my brother and I giggle, taking her place. "Don't be mad, Brandon. Mr. Hayes isn't interested in me. It's fine."

Jasmin speaks up after some time of staring at the television, laughing.

"I've never seen the man's full face before and I'm sure pictures can lie. But the way he looked at you at that club. Not interested is far from true."

"Whatever you say!" I shrug, not believing her. "He's just an ass."

"And his ass is cute."


"Ah, it's raining!" I giggle, pressing my face against the door window. "Can we go to the backyard?"

"It's drizzling, Griffin! That could ruin my clothes."

"It could ruin your hair!" Jasmin shrieks, pulling me away from the door.

I pout and look at her, pleading with my eyes.

I love dancing it the rain. My parents told me to appreciate the water, it helps the regrowth of the earth.

The regrowth of emotions. It's soothing.

"Fine. Three minutes." Leah gives up, releasing her hold on my shirt.

I run straight to the door and push it open, stepping out into the rain.

I twirl around in excitement, getting dizzy.


My hair sticks to my face but I don't care, continuing to dancing.

My tranquility.

"Yes!" Leah yells from the kitchen door and I giggle, running back inside. "Your poor hair."

"I'll be fine!" I laugh, pushing the wet strands back behind my ears.

"Of course you will."

"That low key looked like fun." Jasmin pouts, locking the door. "I'm coming with you next time."

"Yes! The more the merrier."

"I bet you'll be sneezing tomorrow though." She continues.

The three of us exit the kitchen and head into the living room, Leah and Jasmin talking while I think to myself.

If I get sick. It'll be for my parents.

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