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Chapter 41: Fairy

Walking into my older sister's room, I sit at the edge of her bed and pat her gently, watching her stir.

"Sena?" I hum, retreating my hand before she can slap it.


"I was wondering if I could borrow your yellow dress? Please?"

I lied when I said I have a dress.

"Your fat ass is going to rip it." Sena sits up, scowling at me. "I don't want a murderer wearing my clothes."

"Sena, you bought me the dress and took it back. Can I please borrow it?"

"Fine. But I want it back after you wash it."

"Thanks! I love you!" I jump up from excitement and kiss her cheek, regretting it once I realize what I'm doing. "Sorry."

I walk into her closet and to the side, picking out my dress from where I left it.

"Now get out my room."


"You like it?"

"I love it."

I spin around so that he can see my full outfit, holding the back of my dress down at the same time. I stop moving to look at what Adrian was wearing, humming in delight.

"You look nice. This color looks nice on you." I tell him, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Not that other colors don't look nice. They do. I just think the yellow brings out your caramel sk-"

I'm ranting.

Adrian lets out a deep chuckle that I've grown used to, making me shiver.

"Thank you, princess. I guess." He laughs, bending down to my height. "This crown is really nice on you. You could be my fairy today."

"Don't you think? I can keep it right?" I mumble, pressing my lips together.

I never know.

"It was a gift. Why wouldn't you?"

"No reason." Laughing nervously, I turn my back to him and walk towards his desk, picking up the pile of papers there. "I'll have these sorted in an hour."

I prepare to leave but Mr. Hayes blocks my way.

"You could stay, babygirl? I could use some company." He pouts cutely and I smirk.

"Are you lost, babygirl?"

I keep a straight face before laughing out loud, causing Adrian to give me a dirty look.

"You ruined-"

"Adrien, what do you think of my outfit?" Gina interrupts us and we turn to look at her, trying our best to be polite.

"It's okay."

"Thank you. I know that purple and yellow are a great combination so I wore your favorite dress."

"On you." I add under my breath, tapping my wrist.

"In general. Don't try yourself."

"On you."

"I don't like that dress at all." Mr. Hayes shrugs, triggering my laughter.

"Ahaha! She really thought. Oh gosh, I feel the second hand embarrassment."

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