Family Isn't

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Chapter 63: Family Isn't

*two days later*

"My mom asked if we'd like to have dinner with them tonight? She said it'll be a family thing."

Looking up from my computer, my eyes settle on Adrian as he finishes pushing something under the bed.

"With just your parents or-"

"I think my whole family. So mom, dad, Jake, grandma, and the others. She also invited Chase."

"Oh, I'd love to!" I clasp my hands together while smiling, saving my work before closing the computer.

Adrian smiles back at me before sitting on the bed, laying his head on my lap in order to look up at me.

"Can you see boogers in my nostril holes?" I question jokingly, holding my head up more.

"No," My boyfriend chuckles, bringing my face back down with his hand. "Your nose is clean."

I laugh before pushing him off of me, walking away to the connection door for our rooms.

Opening the door, I take a step in and look back at my boyfriend, waiting for him to follow me.

"I was thinking that, today at work, we could get through a meeting with the second floor workers and then we could do some financial things?" I suggest, finally walking away when Adrian's close to me.

"Actually, I wanted you to get dressed with your sisters? Leah and Jasmin." Adrian tells me, placing his hand against my waist. "But first we have to visit your new building, so they'll meet us there."

We spend enough time together but it's still nice.

"Okay, love!" I agree, hugging him tightly for no reason. "I'm sorry my friends and I are always together, I don't mean to-"

"Baby, I know. I want you three to always be together; I realized they make you more confident."

"No, they just make me confident. You make me the most confident." I tip-toe to boop Adrian's nose, making him blush.

I just want to be independent now, though. I'll get that independence next week.


"Okay! I'm going to go get dressed."


"I didn't even realize two days were up. I really own this place now?"

I get all giddy as Adrian pushes the door open, seeing the security guards from work standing around.

"Sena Ember refuses to leave the premises, Mr. Hayes." One of them speaks up and I look around for my sister, seeing her by the water fountain at the other side of the foyer.

She was refilling her water bottle and proceeds to hold the middle finger up at me, the jewelry shining on her wrist.

She's wearing my bracelet.

"Murder-Ann, get the fuck out of my precent." Sena directs her words at me and I scoff, looking up at Adrian.

"You don't need me, Roni-Ann. Drag her out yourself." He chuckles, taking his sunglasses off.

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