Tell Me

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Chapter 28: Tell Me

*one week later*

"I'm back!"

"You look different! Did you get it?"

"Get what?" I hum, leaving the front door open.

"His di-" Jasmin starts to exclaim before Adrian walks in behind me, placing my suitcases down. "Oh hey, Adrian..."

"Thank you." I giggle, patting his shoulder.

"No problem. I'll see you at work next week." Adrian walks back to the door and I call out for him, smiling.

"Call me when you get home?"

"Regular call?" He smirks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"FaceTime maybe? If you want."

"Sure. Bye girls."

"Wait, Adrian!" Leah runs up to him and holds up a container. "Cookie?"

Adrian chuckles and takes one, biting into it as a scowl appears on his face.

"We tried to bake, it didn't go very-" Jasmin explains while Mr. Hayes coughs, forcing himself to swallow it. "Well."

"These taste like shit."

"We accidentally used salt instead of sugar. Well I accidentally did, Jasmin just fucked up the icing." Leah giggles nervously, walking away slowly from him.

"At least my icing is still edible! Your sugar cookies are hard salt." Jasmin refutes, swiping her finger across the side of her bowl.


The two of them start arguing and I focus on Adrian, noticing his eyes scan across the room.

"Are you guys going to be here alone?"

"Oh? Yeah, but we're fine!" I giggle, shifting in embarrassment. "My family is on a business trip."

Adrian mutters something under his breath and I catch a few of the words. "The four of them left her like that?"


"Well. I'll be going now. I'll call later."

Adrian walks out the front door and I wave goodbye until the door closes.

"Tell us everything now!"

"Can I get settled in first?"

"We can wear our matching pajamas tonight!" Jasmin and Leah scream in unison while running past me, heading up the stairs.


"Such a cute bunny, baby."

"The bunny, the duck, and the bear. One of America's best friendship stories."

The two of them take turns applying gems to my cheeks, mimicking the look of freckles.

"Can I dye your hair? So that we can match?" Leah begs me and I look up, noticing the tips of her hair which were dyed blue.

"Sure. With what?"

Leah hold up a small container and I read it, the temporary dye visible.

Pushing Jami away, Leah sections out my hair and applies the color, finishing shortly after.

"This is my twin!"

"Bitch, no." Jasmin scowls and stands up again, squishing my face in her hands. "You look nothing like that witch."

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