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Chapter 62: Keys

"Black beauty!!"

"Hi, Chase."

"And my sister." Chase introduces her, rolling his eyes before moving out of her way.

"What are you doing here, Chase?" Adrian questions, giving him a side-eye.

Chase pats his friend's back, laughing awkwardly.

"I know I was supposed to be here next week so that you can get that court date later, buttt..." Chase draws the word out, speaking with his hands. "You were telling me that Brandon will no longer be your number one, so I hopped on the plane so that I can be the first best friend."

"Fine. So, that-"

"Chase, move." Camila pushes her brother off of Adrian and throws herself on him, arching her back.

Adrian responds quickly and puts his hands on the back of his neck to remove her but she kisses him on the lips before he can fully pry them off.

"I've missed you, Adrian dearest." She giggles with a pout, causing Adrian to cringe. "We can go back to your house and do something fun. I refuse to stay in the same hotel with Chase!"

I'm going to beat this girl's behind.

"Will the fun be before or after I make dinner?" I question her, smiling sweetly once she looks at me. "I'm sure Adrian has a board game in his home."

"You're his maid now? Sad."

"She's my girlfriend." Adrian corrects her, finally getting Camila to let go.

Ms. Camila inhales dramatically before screaming, stomping out the room.

"Finally! You have no idea how sick I've gotten from that bitch constantly talking about having sex with Adrian. Disgusting." Chase exclaims, pretending to gag.

"That sounds terrible. You must be scarred." I say sarcastically, placing my hand over my heart.

"I am. I'm glad we have a mutual hate for my sister, black beauty."

"Can we get this meeting over with so that we can do something else? Keep it short." My boyfriend grumbles, fixing the cuffs on his suit before leaning on his desk.

"Aren't I the older one? Yes. Anyways, I got the keys under Roni-Ann's name, she's the owner. Everything checks out, which means that court case is official for next week." Chase explains, winking playfully at me.


"Princess, when do you start college?" Mr. Hayes calls out to me and I look away from him for a moment, thinking.

"In two weeks."


Picking up his keys, Adrian stands straight and walks closer to me, taking my hand in his and pulling me out the door.

"We're going to get things done early. Don't touch anything, Chase."


"Im looking for Sena and Brandon?"

"Adrian Hayes, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you. Hi! Um, they're in a training session with some new officers."

"Oh, and hi, Roni-Ann Aria. I love your style, you should continue with it."

"Hi, Kelly."

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