Wasting Time

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Chapter 61: Wasting Time

Waking up with a start, I pat around the bed to touch Adrian, not feeling him at all.

"What the-"

I've been cursing too much these last few days.

I stop myself before cursing and roll off the bed, looking around the room in confusion.

Rain was still asleep so I decided not to bother her, walking past her bed into the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror and touch my eyes, seeing and feeling how puffy they were after crying yesterday. Brushing my teeth while still patting my eyes, I try to get the puffs to suppress a bit.

Deciding to get a cold compression before showering, I leave the bathroom and walk out the room itself, going downstairs to find Adrian.

"Dian? Jasmin? Lele?"

"We're in the kitchen!" Adrian yells back to me and I smile, walking through the foyer to the kitchen.

"Good morning, loves!" I cheer upon walking in, yawning soon after.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Leah greets me back, jumping down from the stool. "Your eyes are puffy."

"No shit, Sherlock." Jasmin curses at her, tilting her head to the side.

"Bitch, shut up."

I roll my eyes at the two of them and walk around the island, stopping in front of Adrian at the stove.

"Good morning, bestie. You weren't there when I woke up."

I take a moment to examine him, seeing him shirtless in an apron, flour spots all over. His muscles were flexing as he flipped a pancake, side glancing at me for a second.

"I was making you breakfast. I wanted to bring it to you but here you are." Adrian mumbles, keeping his focus on the pan.

I smile widely at him as I feel my face heat up, using my hand to cover it.

"Oh no, I hope I don't fall." I recite, covering my forehead dramatically while turning away from him.

Adrian starts laughing as I look back at him with one eye open, biting his bottom lip with a smile.

"Jasmin did you see that?" I hear Leah whisper.

"Yeah, that look was just so- oh gosh, do you think she knows?" Jasmin whispers back, gasping audibly midway.

I turn around to look them, swaying side to side with my hands behind my back.

"Adrian!" Jasmin whisper-yells to my boyfriend, avoiding my eye contact. "Does she-"

"She knows." Adrian chuckles softly, running a hand through his hair.

My friends scream before walking around to us, trying to suppress their happiness.

"What happened to the original plot of the movie?"

"What happened to the plan? I order the bubbles, the lights, the decorations! Not for today, but for January. Y'know, when she would be older, like I said." Leah stresses, exhaling harshly.

"That was your idea." Adrian points at Leah while nodding his head. "I was going to tell her whatever time I felt like, and I felt like it yesterday."

"You guys were planning a party?" I giggle, looking between the three of them. "We can still have it, we can pretend like we never found out."

My friends and I point at each other in understanding, our eyes lighting up.

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