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Chapter 29: Nightmares

The car goes down the road and I sing along to the music playing, not sure of what to do next.

'Do you like my picture?'

'I love it, baby. Are you buckled in?'

'Yes mama. Dad, can I play on your phone?'

My father chuckles, reaching back to give me it.

'Can daddy see your picture too, Ro-Ro?'

I giggle at the nickname, humming the tune to "row, row, row your boat."

'Of course, dad. Here you go.' I pass the paper to my mom and she shows him, the two of them nodding in content.

'We're going to pick up your siblings from school and then head to the bear store, okay my love?'

She found the name 'Build-A-Bear' silly. But it was my dream to go there.

'Yes mommy.'

My mom adds my draws to her files, continuing to read through the real ones.

It was a regular day. My birthday.

There was rain falling outside and I open the window, trying to let some in so that I could enjoy the feeling.

I love rain.

'Mommy? Can I look out the back window?'

'Sure, Ro-Ro. Just be careful.'

My parents were overprotective when it came to me.

Everybody is.

I turn slightly to look out the back window, noticing another car speed towards us.

What is going on?

Sitting down again, I take out another sheet of paper from my book bag, drawing some flowers and animals on it.

'Daddy look! Isn't it pretty?'

My father looks up at my picture, tilting his head more to look at me. 'I love your drawing hunny, sit do-'

I distracted him.

Before he's able to finish, the car gets hit and my dad loses control over the wheel, struggling to get the car back under control.

I didn't mean to.

My mom stands up slightly in her seat and reaches back to me, unbuckling my seatbelt quickly.

'Mama, what are you doing?'

'Roni, honey. I'm going to need you to jump out for me. Hurry, Ro-Ro.'

I nod quickly and struggle to open the door, but soon enough release myself from the space and jump out.

'Mommy? Daddy?'

I stand up from the sidewalk, brushing my hands off as I look at the car.

'Somebody call the police!' A pedestrian yells as the car spins on its top, trapping my parents inside.

Our car flattens completely as the same car from earlier hits it again, driving around shortly after.

My parents' screams alarm me before they go completely silent, me walking closer.

Mommy's eyes were wide open, but she doesn't blink. My dad on the other hand, his eyes closed, sharp pieces of glass sticking out of the sides.

I thought they were just trying to calm down from it. I never knew.

A police car pulls up soon enough and the officers step out, one going to inspect while the other walks towards me.

'Roni-Ann, sweetheart are you okay?'

'Yes, officer Sam. Are you going to get my parents out now? We have to go pick up my siblings. And then we're gonna meet Leah and Jasmin at my birthday party.'

'Sweetheart. I'm sorry but, they're gone.'

'What do you mean? Sena and Brandon are still in school, silly. And Jami and Lele are going there now.' I giggle as she takes my hand in hers.

'They are? Would you like to go meet Brandon and Sena now?'

'We cannot leave mommy and daddy. They're your bosses, Sammy.' I pout and Sam laughs, a sob following it.

'Sweetheart. They're dead.'

I killed them.

I'm the reason they aren't here.

'Huh? You're lying, mommy and daddy were just talking to me a while ago. I can prove it.'

I proceed to pull on her arm, taking her to the car. My smile falters as it clicks in my head, the officers slowly closing my mom's eyes and tending to my parents while tears run down their faces.

'They're dead?'

'Roni-Ann, would you like to go to your siblings' school?'


Officer Sam holds my hand tightly as we cross the street together, heading down the block.



"Roni! Wake up!" Leah shakes me and I sit up, trying to catch my breath.


Jasmin holds a fan up to my face and I lean closer to it, not realizing how hot I was. "Bad dream?"

I nod slowly and take the fan from her, sighing in relief as the cool air hits my nose.

"Is something bothering you, baby? You try not to think about it."

Leah sits in front of me on the bed, taking the fan out of my hands and handing it back to Jasmin. She hands me a cupcake and I accept it, taking a deep breath.

"Do you want to talk about it? That normally helps." Jasmin suggests, directing the fan on me again. "You should probably change too, that can give you a cold."

Finishing the cupcake, I stand up and walk towards the open closet, closing it once I step in.

It's been a long time since I thought of that day. I thought I was healing.

I guess I was just forgetting everything Sena hates me about.

I hate myself for it too. But I've learned to ignore it, solve things in my own way.

Is it a bad thing that I'm happy in life?

There are the rare days when it haunts me on it's own, when Sena decides not to bring it up.

But seriously...

Is it bad that I'm being myself?


Author's Note:

The truth behind her parents' death.

I honestly started crying while writing this chapter and I don't know why.
I have never cried while writing.

Anyways... I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to vote and comment. I love hearing from you all.

Thank you! Bye 💛

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