No Passion

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Chapter 3: No Passion

"You're late by three minutes."

"I was trying to find parking."

"You should have parked in your designated spot. Yours is next to mine. In the parking lot." Mr. Hayes shrugs, walking towards the elevator.

"Nobody told me that." I huff, following behind him. "Where is everybody?"

"Work starts at 8."

"So then why are we here?"

"I'm the owner. You're my assistant. We don't do what the others do."

"What are we going to do?"

Mr. Hayes ignores my question as the elevator opens, walking away to his office.

"Go put your bag down and come back."

I nod quickly and walk away, unlocking the office and setting my bag down in the first spot I see.

"Make me a coffee. No milk, no sugar." Mr. Hayes yells to me before I'm even able to get to his room, his voice echoing. "Thanks, princess."

Rolling my eyes, I walk to the elevator and take it down to the lobby, finding my way to the lounge.

"Thanks, princess." I mock him as I fix his coffee, accidentally putting a spoon of sugar in. "He won't notice."


"You better drink it."

"I'm not drinking that shit, it has sugar."

"You literally cannot taste it." I grumble, putting the cup up to my lips to taste it. "It's still nasty, just how you like it."

Mr. Hayes smirks while reaching for the cup, spinning it around to where I drank from and puts it at his lips.

"On second thought, I'll drink it. Thanks."

"Bastard." I murmur, turning to leave.

My arm gets pulled back and I fall on my butt, looking up at Mr. Hayes.


"Oh nothing." Giggling in embarrassment, I stand up once more and brush my skirt off, his eyes looking down. "My face is up."

"I know. I wasn't looking at your face."

Mr. Hayes rakes a hand through his messy curls, pushing them back into a small bun.

"You don't mind if I play music, right? I'm normally alone at this time."

"Oh, of course not. Go ahead."

I walk out the office and to my own, staring at the files on my desk. I sit down and get to work, reading through them.

A buzz is heard over the intercom before Mr. Hayes' voice sounds, amusement laced in it. "This song is called 'If I Can't Have You'. We have to think about the princess in the building."

Shawn Mendes starts playing and I giggle, going back to work.

Maybe this won't be too bad.


"You can sit over there." He points to a desk in the corner of the room and I place my binder down on it, sitting alone.

The meeting starts and I drown out the sound of the unnecessary conversation, taking note of what was being projected and the main things they said.


"Huh? Yes, sir?" I blush in embarrassment as he catches me off guard, a smirk appearing on his face.

"What do you think about the deal? It's to invest in their makeup line."

"It's for my wife." The older man in the room states and I nod, looking over my notes.

"I wouldn't. Something seems odd but I don't know."

Walking over to me, Mr. Hayes leans over my shoulder and holds my binder down, reading over it.

"Deals off. You've wasted my time."

"Excuse me? You're listening to a little girl?" The man exclaims, standing up from his seat.

"If you think I'm dumb, you're mistaken. Get this shit out of my face."

Mr. Hayes removes the flash drive from the computer, throwing it at them. "Leave."

The group rushes to leave and I raise an eyebrow, confused at his anger.

"Did someone bite you?" I question, making him scoff.

"Read over your second paragraph for me."

I read the paragraph out loud, realization hitting me.

"You'd get 3% of the profits..."


"But you'd invest 3 million dollars to them."

"That sounds dumb to you, doesn't it?"


"Smart, girl. Princess offers more than looks, huh?"

"I graduated top of my classes. Maybe you should read my resume again before judging me."

"Maybe I should."


"How was work, Ron?"

"Pretty good. Your friend is crazy though." I giggle, hugging my brother.

"Is he really?"

"Yes. A mad man. Who goes to work at six o'clock?" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air.

"We do."

Another voice startles me as I look at the couch, the curly hair catching my attention.

"I'm going to go."

Running down the hall, I go upstairs to my room, not making it in there as I bump into my sister.

"What are you doing with my stuff Sena?"

She holds up my music box in her hands and I reach up for it.

"A murderer doesn't deserve nice things."

"Mom and Dad bought that for me, give it."

"Yeah, I know. I don't get how they loved you so much, and you killed them."

"Sena, just put it down and we can talk." I beg her, forcing my voice to come out.

You were doing good, Roni, don't fail now.

"Are you going to cry? Too bad." Sena throws my music box behind me and I bolt around quickly, catching it in my hand before it fell.

Falling on the floor, my ankle twists and I wince, holding my music box closer to my chest.

"I don't get how someone could ever love you after what you did."

Sena leaves me alone as she waltzes downstairs, greeting Mr. Hayes innocently.

"It wasn't my fault."

If something happened to my music box, I don't know what I'd do with myself.

My parents gave it to me when I was one, and every birthday they'd add a new song.

After the accident, my brother took over their gift, an attempt to keep them alive in my mind.

"Eleven years and she still hates me."

It's fine though, I'd hate myself too.

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