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Chapter 11: Torture

'What do you mean? Sena and Brandon are still in school, silly. And Jami and Lele are going there now.'....

'Sweetheart. They're dead.'....

'Huh? You're lying, mommy and daddy were just talking to me a while ago. I can prove it.'....

I was such a stupid child.

If I sat down, didn't look back, didn't draw...

They would be here. They would be with us and I wouldn't have to listen to these songs to feel closer to them. Especially this one, the last one they installed.

I wouldn't have to be such a bother.

"Wish I could be. Part of that world."

Why am I crying?

The music box plays the last note and I wipe my eyes, putting it back in my bag.

The phone in my office starts ringing and I pick it up, hold it up to my ears.

"Yes, Mr. Hayes?"

"My office. Now." His voice voice booms before hanging up again.

I get out of my seat and walk across the room, heading straight out the open door.

"How may I be of service?"

Walking into his room, Mr. Hayes doesn't bother to look up as he throws something in my direction and I dodge it, the papers scattering out around me.

"Pick those up. Can you not do anything right?" Mr. Hayes yells at me and I flinch, dropping to my knees to get the papers.

"If you throw them without warning then how-"

"I don't want to hear the excuses!"

Hearing his voice again, I move faster to gather the material, reading over them.

"What should I do now, sir?"

Mr. Hayes looks up at me and bites his lip, his eyes turning a darker shade of green before he shakes his head.

"Organize them. Color code them by each subdivision." Mr. Hayes mumbles, sending me away.

I nod and stand up, turning to leave the room.

"Move faster."



"Where do you want me to go? You called me."

"Go to the printing room," Mr. Hayes grumbles, handing me a paper. "Make 500 copies. And then come back so you can send them out to each employee."

"Only 200 people work here, though." I respond, reading over it.

"I own more than one establishment, princess. Go on."

I stand still and glare at him, watching him bite his lip.

"Glaring won't get you anywhere, princess."

"I heard all employees were supposed to be trained. I've never been." I shrug, turning out the room.

Mr. Hayes hums as I exit, the foot of the chair moving backwards.

"It starts now then. Rule number one, I say. You do."

"With all due respect, that's not going to work out." I laugh, stepping onto the elevator.

"And why is that?"

Keeping my back to him, he continuously taps his foot, obviously waiting for my response.

"Number two, when I speak to you. You answer."

He touches the exposed skin of my neck before applying more pressure and I press my lips together, inhaling sharply.

"Because, I don't listen to jerks that much."

"I'm a jerk now?" Mr. Hayes chuckles, spinning me to face him.

"On second thought. You're an asshole." I mutter, looking him in his eyes.

His eyes are pretty.

"You're brave, princess."

"Thank you, Adrian." I giggle, removing his hand from my neck.

"It's not 'sir' anymore?"

"No. We're alone." I wink, causing his face to go blank.

The elevator finally stops and I step around him, walking straight into the printing room.

Placing the paper under the scan, I tap the screen repeatedly, waiting for it to start.

"Start!" I exclaim, reading the error message. "I don't have time."

"Move." Adrian pushes me out the way and starts fumbling with the machine, starting it up soon after. "You can be useless sometimes. A lot of times."

"Can I-"

"Shut up."

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