Love Rain

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Chapter 8: Love Rain

"Cutie? I'm home."

"Come here."

Putting my bag down on the couch, I call out to her again, hearing the sound of her collar.

"Hi there." The dog runs around me in excitement and I pick her up, blowing in her face. "Calm down."

I sit on the couch with the puppy, looking into her eyes.

"I think I found a name for you."

She starts yapping and I pat her head, settled her again.

"Daddy met this girl. She's crazy." I chuckle, checking my phone. "I saw her about two years ago and she's even prettier close up."

"Do you want to see a picture?"

I open my photo album and open her picture, her cute face looking back at us. "See?"

Why did I allow her to take her own picture?

The dog presses her nose against my phone and I laugh, pulling it away from her.

"Okay. Would you like to hear your name?"

She barks, spinning around in my lap.

"Okay. How do you feel about Rain?" I chuckles, causing her to yap. "I knew you'd like it."

Reminds me of Roni-Ann. A crazy girl.

But for some reason I'm interested in who she is.

"The human owner of your name, her name is Roni-Ann. She's my intern."

"She's different that how I thought she'd be. The first time we met, she didn't even look me in my eyes."

"Now she does. But it's still awkward, and kinda cute."

Rain starts to yawn and I cover her small mouth, smiling. "Are you bored of me?"

"I wonder what she's doing right now."



"You're a tiny ass dog, move." I grunt, picking Rain up in my hands. "Is that what you wanted?"

Taking a sip of my water, I prepare to walk away from the living room, before the doorbell rings.

I walk to the front door and open it, a couple standing in front of me.

"What do you want?"

"Mi hijo!" (my son) The woman launches herself towards me and I hold her shoulder, keeping her away.

"Yes, Ms. Lorena?"

"Adrian. May we come in?" The man tries to step inside and I push him back as well, setting the puppy down on her feet.

"You have no business being here."

"I just wanted to see my baby." Lorena begs and I roll my eyes, keeping my head down.

"I don't know who that is but he isn't here. Please leave."

"Adrian, mijo." Manuel threatens and I scoff, standing straight.

"Dije que te vayas!" (I said go away)

I didn't mean to snap. Fuck.

My birth mother's lip starts quivering and I shrug, holding the handle of the door.

"You didn't want me until I became successful, don't try it."

I slam the door in their faces and turn around, looking at Rain who's head was tilted.

"You look like Roni-Ann."


My phone chimes and I take it out of my pants pocket, reading a message.

Roni: I'll be at work early tomorrow, sir.

Me: Why is that?

Roni: i just want to get out of the house. that's fine right?

Me: Of course. What time?
Me: I'll be in.

Roni: about 5:30, sir.

Me: How did your parents raise you? You're very respectful.

The message shows as read, but her typing bubble never show.

Did I say something wrong?

"Forget it. Come on, cutie."

I'd like to get to know Roni-Ann, but I've built up a wall when it comes to intimacy.

Pleasure and no more.

The woman I expected to stay in my life the most, abandoned me.

"Who's to say other women won't do the same?"

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