Before Then

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Chapter 48: Before Then

"Everyday. Everyday it's something new."

"And every single day, I continue to die! From hunger."

I sigh dramatically and rest my head on Leah's shoulder.

"The food is coming, Roni-Ann. Damn." Brandon tells me, rolling his eyes.

"Look, it's right there." Jasmin points to two waiters who were heading towards us, a fake smile plastered on the girl's face.

The waitress sets down the multiple plates at the edge of the table as her partner takes his time to put our drinks in front of us. The girl leaves before we can thank her but the waiter stays, hands behind his back.

"Enjoy your meals." He tells us, writing something down on a napkin.

"Thank you, sir." I smile at him.

"Don't call him 'sir'." I hear Adrian say under his breath, a hit of jealousy begin detected.

He laughs while pushing the napkin to the middle of the table in front of my plate, mouthing to me. "Call me."

Beep me.

Before I'm able to pick it up, Adrian reaches over to take it from me, handing it back to the waiter. "She will not be calling you. She's in a relationship."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He apologizes, walking away all flustered.

I shrug and pick my cup off the table to drink, allowing the ice of the Blue Raspberry slushee to melt on my tongue.

Leah, Jasmin and I proceed to talk to each other as we eat, deciding on which store to visit first as my brother and boyfriend listen to us.

Looking up at Adrian, I watch as he wipes the inner rim of his cup off with the straw, the sugar falling into the drink.

"What is that?" I ask him.

"Blue raspberry and vodka, what you're drinking but with alcohol. Do you want to try it?"

I nod and he pushes his glass towards me, keeping his hand on it. I put my straw in and take a sip, cringing at how strong it was.

Adrian starts laughing at me and I give him a dirty look, forcing myself to swallow the drink.

"You're not a fan?" He chuckles, bringing the glass back to himself.

Shaking my head, I pick a fry up and put it in my mouth, attempting to remove the taste. My boyfriend continues to laugh at me while I keep eating, although it's not to satisfy my hunger now.

His eyes seem to light up more now and I pause to admire them, it's been a while since I saw the green.

They look brighter now than when we first met.

I can't wait for my parents to see those eyes tomorrow. Or maybe they've seen it already.

"I want this relationship right here." Jasmin interrupts my thoughts and I look up at her, tilting my head in confusion. "The two of you just got lost in your own world. Let me third wheel."

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