Paper Bags

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Chapter 55: Paper Bags

*one week later*

"So, mind you, I never thought that would happen. Like I told the girl to just dye the tips but she was like 'nooo! I want to color the whole thing blue.' Stupid."

"She could not pull off the color blue."

"And then what?" I ask, starting to get interested in the story.

"This fucking perra! Tells me! That I did her dye job wrong. I don't even work there, the fuck."(Bitch) My friend continues his story and I look at him with confusion.

"If you don't work there why were you doing the woman's hair, Finn?"

"Listen, Alpha, unlike you, I'm broke. I have a job but I spend all the money on food. Money making is making money, regardless of your profession."

"Que alguien me ayude." (Somebody help me) I grumble under my breath, shaking my head.

To my surprise, Brandon and the rest of my friends finally enter my house, saving me from listening to Finn anymore.

"We have arrived."


The guys start snickering and I give them a dirty look as well, questioning why they were so hyper.

"What?" I look behind myself and up the stairs.

"Adrian, we have a surprise for you!"

"Which is?"

"Sena and I!" Gina steps out from behind them and I scowl, looking at Brandon.

"They're not the surprise. You'll get the real one later."

"Uh, okay."

I'm curious now.

"Well, let's go." Finn stands up from his seat and walks towards the others, pushing them outside. "I have a story to tell."

"Wait, Brandon!" I call out to him and he pauses, coming back inside. "Does Roni-Ann normally mumble shit in her sleep?"

"All the time. One time I went to check on her- to make sure she was still alive- and she said that she was getting a pet frog."

"But does she lie in her sleep?"

The thing she said to me last week have been driving me crazy. I have to know.

"Not really. The next day the girls went to a pond and brought a tadpole back home. They told me it was going to live in my bathtub." He recalls, rolling his eyes at the memory. "So whatever she's ever told you is probably true."

I catch myself starting to grin like a child and cover my mouth, inhaling sharply. "So... she really loves me?"

"Wait, she said-" Brandon's eyes widen from shock as he starts to question me, getting cut off by his sister.

"Actually," Hearing Sena speak up from the doorway, I tilt my head to acknowledge her, waiting for what she has to say. "If she says she loves you, she just wants you as her next victim. She claimed to love our parents and look what happened. Dead."

"She didn't kill your parents, Sena. Grow the fuck up."

"Your 'surprise' is a murderer. I wonder who it could be."


"It's me!"

"Roni-Ann, you're going to crease your shoes!"

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