It Was You?

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Chapter 46: It Was You?

"Come here, Gryffindor."

"I didn't do anything wrong though! Like shit, give me a break."

"Girl, calm down. I'm calling you for something else."

"Oh. I take my words back then."

Roni-Ann gets up from besides me to hug Leah, allowing her friend to pat her head gentle.

"Wow, comfort." I hear Roni mutter under her breath, sighing in delight.

She seems so touch deprived.

"You're welcome. Now continue working."

"What will you two do while we're in here?" I ask Jasmin and Leah, pushing my laptop closer to Roni for her to work.

"Uh, talking to your employees. Getting to know the people our best friend works with."

The two of them laugh nervously as Roni-Ann looks up, side-glancing at them and tilting her head.

"Okay, bye!"

Jasmin and Leah run out my office quickly and shut the door, leaving Roni and I alone together.

Well, alone with a puppy.

Rain was still asleep so I take the chance to turn to Roni, examining her face.

"What, dude?" She scowls, stopping her work to look at me.

"I want to-"

I get cut of by Rain barking in excitement, causing Roni-Ann to jump out of her seat to check on her.

"Hello, baby! I've missed you! Yes I have."

My girlfriend continues to talk to Rain like a baby before finally getting back on her feet, walking towards me with the puppy.

"Say 'hi, daddy. I've missed you, daddy.' Good girl." Roni coos once more as the puppy yaps, waving Rain's paws around.

"Roni, seriously? I was trying to talk to you."

"But my baby?"

"But me?" I mock her tone, pouting.

The things I do for this girl.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Nothing much, princess. I just want to talk to you."

"Okay, bubba." She smiles widely and I groan, looking up at the ceiling.

I don't hate the nickname, it just makes me soft. I can't look soft in front of her.

Roni-Ann starts a conversation about animals and I find myself not paying attention, just watching the way her eyes light up whenever she looks down at Rain.

"Sir, do you have a daddy kink?"

Wait what?

"No, I like something else. Why do you ask?"

Roni shrugs while twirling Rain's fur with her finger, scrunching up her face. "A long time ago, at the club. You said, and I quote 'girls call me daddy.' You disgusting man."

How is her memory so good?

I start to reply back to her but she cuts me off before I can make a sound. "Ooh! You were referring to Rain. You think you're slick, huh?"


She continues to talk about nonsense and I nod at each word, still not listening very closely.

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