Back Talk?

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Chapter 67: Back Talk?

*two years later*

Sitting down at my desk, I flip through a bunch of papers to find the important one, pulling it out from the bottom.

"You're here? I thought you had a paper to finish?"

"I finished it while I was at S.B.R. Why are you in my business? The fuck."

I look up at Adrian and smile, standing up so that he can take my seat. He sits as I sit back on the desk, resting his arms on my lap.

"Who are you talking to like that?" My boyfriend scowls and I laugh nervously, scratching my temple.

You, obviously.

"No one, sir." I lean forward and hold Adrian's chin up, kissing his forehead gently. "Let's hang out tonight."

"A date?" Adrian hums, his eyes closing while I sit straight. "We could go a museum. And then have dinner-"

"We went to a museum last week. I was thinking something like a movie at home."

"That's fine, too." He nods, placing his hands on my hips before pulling me closer. "Let's leave now."


"How could he?! I thought he loved her."

"All men do is lie!"

"It's not that serious, Roni-Ann." Adrian mutters, stealing a Dorito from the bag.

I wipe my eyes and look at him, sobbing again. "It is serious. See, all men do is lie."

We were watching After in the screening room, the scene Tessa found out about the lie.

I was crying for absolutely no reason and Adrian was trying to calm me down, saying that he'd never do that.

"I know you wouldn't. Jasmin and Leah threatened to cut of your-"

"Don't repeat it." Adrian shudders, covering my mouth.

I sniffle again as my phone starts to ring, sliding off Adrian's lap to answer.

He stops the movie and raises an eyebrow in confusion, insisting that I answer.

Unknown caller.

"Hello, good evening?"

"Oh, Roni-Ann, you answered. It's your Aunt Dominique. Uh, your grandmother died recently and we don't have the money to pay for the funeral. If you could just write a check for-" She rants as my face scrunches up, trying to figure out why I'm hearing her voice.

"Oh, she passed away? Oh, aww. Okay." I coo.

I put myself on mute for a moment and glance at Adrian, stifling a laugh before taking myself off mute.

"Perfect. If you could just send four thousand dollars we'll be alright. Maybe a bit-"

I hang up on her mid-sentence, setting my phone back on it's face.

"In pain, may she rest." I touch the cross points on my body before getting comfortable, playing the movie again.

It reaches the end very quickly, showing the scene where they're sitting by the water.

"You see this, Adrian!? He's lying to her. I saw the second movie already and these bums broke up!" I complain once more, leaning back so that I'm laying on his lap.

"I watched it with you, genius. Isn't the movie based off a damn fan fiction?"

I gasp dramatically and point up at Adrian, nodding my head quickly. "You're right! No wonder the two of them are so, I dunno."

Adrian points back at me, a smile on his face.

My literal soulmate. Matching my energy per usual.

"Bubba, will we be together forever? I've decided that you're my soulmate."

He chuckles while holding his head down, placing a kiss against my forehead.

"I'll propose to you, yes. I was thinking next year, you'll be a Senior then."

"Next year is fine. Stop spoiling the surprise proposal though."

"But you just-"

"Back talk?" I say, humming each beat.

"It's quiet, ain't no back talk."

All jokes aside, did he really just admit to us getting married?

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