Stupid Giggles

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Chapter 54: Stupid Giggles

*tomorrow morning*

Looking up at my ceiling, I sigh before turning onto my stomach, rolling repeatedly until I end up on the floor.

"Good morning, Coco." I greet my stuffed bunny before throwing her back onto my bed. The bunny must of hit her hand because I hear her respond back with 'hello', causing me to laugh.

Standing up, I yawn and rub my eyes, trying to figure out what to do with my life.

Why am I home today?

Groaning loudly, I head towards my vanity to pick up my phone, going into my bathroom soon after.

"Stupid body. Waking up at five in the morning like I'm going to stupid work. I'm not working today."

Turning the sink water on, I let it run until steam comes up, scrolling through my phone to find Adrian's name. When I finally find it I press the FaceTime button and rest my phone on the ledge of the mirror, waiting for him to pick up.

"Stupid work, waking me up at stupid five in the morning. Stupid body for getting accustomed to stupid work." I continue mumbling, washing my toothbrush before applying paste. "Stupid boyfriend for making me wake up at stupid-"

"What did you just call me?"

"Oh, shoot!" I shriek and jump away from the sink, breathing heavily. "I didn't realize you answered so soon."

"I wasn't going to interrupt your rant, princess. But then you started talking about me."

"Sorry." I tell him, stepping back in front of the sink. "So what are you doing?"

"Since I'm not seeing you today at work I figured I'd just go in late. I'm going for a run right now."

"Ooh, a run sounds like a great way to wake yourself up."

Adrian nods while running a hand through his curls, tying  them back with a clip. "I guess. But it seems like your stupid body already woke you up plenty. I personally wouldn't call it that though. Stupid, no. Beautiful, yes."

I giggle and hold my head down, thinking of something to say. "Where's Rain? Is she going for a run too?"

Adrian's eyes light up as he bends down out of my view, coming back up with Rain in his hands.

The puppy was wearing a black Nike track suit to match Adrian's and I coo, attempting to hold in my happiness. "Her little outfit! Did you buy it for her?"

"Nah, my mom did. Rain is a spoiled dog if you haven't noticed."

"Don't say such things about her! It's not true, Rainy." I tell her and she starts wriggling to get out of Adrian's hold, panting from excitement.

Rain barks at Adrian and I clap, hyping her up.

"Exactly! Listen to the girl, Adrian."

Adrian sets her back down on the ground to give me his attention again, playing with his bottom lip. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Nope, I'm going to go shower and wash my face first. Then greet my siblings before I eat."

"Okay, princess. I won't keep you any longer then."


"Before I go, I have a suggestion for you." He tells me. "Mom said that another way to grow is to do something you used to do. Try that today, for me? Later, princess!"

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