I Wasn't

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Chapter 36: I Wasn't

Work was going by smoothly today, I was able to do things without an distractions.

Except for talk to Adrian, who was ignoring me.

"Like I said, I don't get paid for this."

Walking out of my office, I walk down two doors and into Mr. Hayes' office, which was already open.

There was another couple already in there, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes.

"Roni-Ann! How are you, honey?"

"I'm well, Mrs. Hayes. And you?" I laugh, standing awkwardly at the door.

Adrian stares me down and I fidget, noticing how his pupils dilate.

He's pissed.

"I can't complain, Ro-Ro." She says that nickname and I freeze, suddenly not bothered by Adrian's look. "Let's go talk outside. We'll be back, boys."

Mr. Hayes and Adrian nod as she stands up, pulling me out the room once she gets to me.

Mrs. Hayes walks back to my office and points. "Yours, right?"

I nod and she drags me in, signaling for me to sit.

"What's going on with you and Adrian?"

Well damn.

"Nothing. We're just friends." I mutter, opening and closing my pen.

Mrs. Hayes scoffs while sitting in front of me, grinning. "You and Adrian are no different."


Mrs. Hayes touches her face, her dark skin tinting slightly.

"Stubborn." She shrugs, preparing to change the subject. "How are you feeling?"


"I don't want to say but... grief? Your parents."

"How exactly do know them?" I ask bluntly.

"We were friends, that's all. I went to their funeral but never saw you."

I pout and play with the pen, clicking my tongue. "I couldn't go. What does that have to do with Adrian and I?"

"You two compliment each other. Please talk to him."

"I'm just his intern, Mrs. Hayes. Nothing more."

"Since when were you 'just his intern'?" She refutes, making air-quotes.

"Since the day I started working. He probably thinks I'm a young, naive girl."

"Hunny, you are nowhere near naive, just a little bit innocent. And look, being young never stopped me." She giggles, waving her finger around. "Mr. Hayes and I met when I was 17. Now get your love, Ro-Ro!"

Before I'm able to answer her, the original Mr. Hayes walks into my office, knocking the door.

"How are you, Ro-Ro?"

"I'm well. And I think I'm going to go get something to eat."

I stand up and head out the room, shuffling down the hall awkwardly. As I walk past Adrian's room, I hear him sneeze and pause, walking backwards into his room.


"Hi, Adrian. How are you?"

He looks up and rolls his eyes, looking back down shortly after.

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