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Chapter 19: Against

"I brought chicken nuggets."

"'Barbecue' and 'Sweet and Sour' sauce. I didn't know which one you'd like." She giggles, placing the food down on my desk.

Roni-Ann moves around the desk to her bag, pulling out hand sanitizer.

"Why'd you buy all this?" I mutter, looking up at her.

She smiles sweetly and I put my head back down, attempting to hide the tint appearing on my face.

"I read online that it's your favorite comfort food. It's mine too."

"That's from an old article." I hum. "I doubt anyone would still know."

Roni-Ann scoffs in amusement, opening the containers. "There's this thing called memory."


She remembers...

Roni giggles before sitting across from me, dancing in her seat as she eats.

"There's a meeting at 3:45." She says gently.

"Cancel it." I grumble, biting into the food.

It's been a while.

"Why, sir?" Her brown eyes glinting with interest, her voice coming out softly as she watches me eat.

I wonder what she's thinking.

Something about the way she speaks is very comforting, it's melodic.

I'm not used to a female's voice making me feel so at peace. I'm not used to a female in general making me feel that way.

I like it.

"I just have other things to do." I shrug, dipping the chicken nugget again.

"With Gina? She's been talking about you all morning." Roni teases and I roll my eyes at her.

I don't like Gina, I like you.

"With you. You didn't finish writing up the letters."

"Shoot. You're right!" She squeaks, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'll be back at 3:45 to write it."

"Yes, you will."

Roni-Ann looks around the room quickly, her smile fading and eyes going blank.

The music box...

I brought it to a friend to get it fixed.

She has no idea how terribly I feel about dropping it.

I just thought about my own parents- birth givers and it was painful.

She has two people who love her enough to buy her something so meaningful. She's had them since birth.

I can't relate.

"Mr. Hayes? Are you okay?" Roni-Ann snaps me out of my thoughts, beaming widely at me.

"Yes. I'm fine." I brush her off, closing the container. "You should go to your own office, more privacy."

"But what if I wanted to be here with you?" She jokes, scrunching up her nose.

"You could stay. But I can't promise anything?" I tease her, reaching across the table to touch her hand.

Roni shudders and pulls her hand away, getting up quickly. "Ahaha. I'll be going now."

"That's what I thought."

I'd like for her to stay.

We could talk again. Maybe about a new topic this time.

I want to hear everything she has to say.

But then again, I won't let a woman in.

All she'll end up doing is hurt me.


"Go away, Gina."

"Adrian, let's do it again." She slurs, walking around the desk to stand behind me.

Gina bends over, slinging her arms over my shoulders and I sit still, already bored.

"What did I say about this?"

"You said it's pleasure only. Let's do it."

She tries to takes my jacket off and I allow her to continue, the material coming off my body shortly after.

"Come on, Adrian. Give in."

I stand up and spin her around, trapping her between my body and the desk.

Why did I do that?

"After this. Never again."

"But why, Adrian?" She questions, pulling up her skirt. "Is it because of that new girl?"

"Why would it be?" I ask in a monotone voice.

...nothing more than pleasure, Adrian.

"I see how you look at her. But you vowed to not fall in love."

"Correct." I mumble, lifting her up onto the desk.

"Are you falling in love?"

"No." Maybe in the future.

"Then release your sexual tension on me."

"I will."

Gina kisses me and I respond to her, keeping my eyes open.

I don't feel anything with her.

"Mr. Hayes? I'm here! I'm on-"

The door open and I pull away from Gina, making eye contact with Roni-Ann.


"-time." She says the last word and covers her eyes in a hurry, frantically turning away. "I am so sorry! I'll go, continue."


"I apologize! Forget I interrupted."


"Shit, I need holy water now." She continues her rant, still not opening her eyes.

I push Gina away from me and she scoffs, pulling her skirt back down.

"Roni-Ann!" I yell, catching her attention.

She stops talking, her eyes widening.

"She means nothing to me."

"Oh really? I thought we-" Gina starts to speak and I turn, glaring at her.

"You're a fuck-buddy. Get that in your head."

Gina scoffs and walks away, pushing past Roni-Ann.

"You're too young to give him what he wants. It won't work."

Roni tilts her head in confusion, finally taking her hands off her face.

"So. Those letters." Roni clicks her tongue, walking into the room.

She's not awkward?

Her eyes start watering a bit and she wipes it away quickly, smiling at me.

"Yes, letters. Get the laptop for me."

"Yes, sir."

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