Get Through

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Chapter 20: Get Through

"I saw them."

"Clothes rising! Mouths touching! Hands all over!"

"Stop moving, Roni-Ann." Leah grumbles, gripping my chin in her hand.

She squeezes the eye drop bottle, allowing the solution to touch my eye and I blink.

"And then what happened?" Jasmin questions, stuffing her mouth with popcorn.

"Gina told me 'oh. You're too young to give him what he wants'. Like what?" I mock her, shaking my head around for emphasis.

"She knows something."

"Well obviously. But what?"

"I say we kidnap her and make her talk." Leah suggests, applying drops to my next eye. "Okay I'm done."

"Now, I pray."

I stand up and get down on my knees, putting my hands together.

"Dear father, the things I saw today were alarming. Please, grant me the strength to forget. Forget with a capital 'f'. Thank you and amen!"

"Hallelujah." Jasmin speaks up, punching the air. "Now tell me more about this."

"He- I dunno. He looked ashamed after." I mutter, stealing a handful of popcorn from her. "This is good. Where'd you get it?"

"From your pantry."

"Always in my damn stuff."

"Bitch, I basically live here. Damn." Jasmin grumbles, giving me a dirty look.

"I want Chick-Fil-A." Leah whines, throwing her head back.

"Nobody cares about your nasty, fresh food."

"Says the girl who eats Chipotle. That shit is-"

"Don't say it."

"Disgusting." Leah laughs, challenging Jasmin.

The two of them start arguing over food and I get up, walking out the living room.

"Good evening, Sena." I greet my sister as she walks in, holding something in her hand.

"What?" Sena snaps, causing me to take a step back.

"I was just being polite." I mumble, running a hand through my hair. "You look really pretty today."

I beam as she walks to the front closet, waiting for her response.

Sena's mean but I still love my sister.

It's not right.

Sena looks back at me and scowls, placing the paper down in order to take off her shoes.

"Is that mine?" I question while leaning over, reading my name on the envelope.

She snatched it up again and rips it in half, then again until it resembles confetti.

"Adrian told me to give it to you. Here." Sena puts the shreds in my hand and I look down at it, the check evident.

"Why? Just why?"

"Because you don't deserve it."


"Good morning." I mutter, barely enough for him to hear.

I feel awkward around him now.

"Hey, Roni."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

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