His Tab

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Chapter 31: His Tab

*one week later*

Let's go to the beach, each. Let's go get away."

"They say what they gonna say. Have drink, clink-"

"That's it! Let's go to the club again." Leah cheers, hugging me tightly. I wince in pain as she applies too much pressure on one of my scratches. "Sorry."

"I don't want to go to the club." I whine, looking at Jasmin for help.

Jasmin shakes her head at me, agreeing with Leah. "We should! The last time, Roni-Ann made us leave."

"A new one opened about an hour away, let's go there."

"I don't-"

"Then it's settled!"

The two of them get up and walk out the room, heading across the hall into the guest rooms.

They come back shortly after, throwing a skirt and crop top at me.

"We can dress separate tonight."

"I am not wearing this." I mumble, putting the clothes down.

Jasmin rolls her eyes and starts tapping the desk aggressively, getting her point across. "Bitch, yes you are."

"Will you feed me if I go?"

"Yes ma'am."

Leah walks away to my drawers, rummaging through the first one.

"I think you should wear your waist beads."


"Because they look cute on you. Now go change, baby."


"Tell me what I can get at my age."

"We don't discriminate, all people of all ages." The bartenders chuckles, causing Jami's eyes to light up.

"Can I get a margarita? Salt all around the rim."

"And I want a Daiquiri, please." Leah tells him and he writes it down, looking at me.

"And you, pretty girl?"

I blush at the name and hold my hands down, awkwardly playing with the beads around my bare waist.

"A water."

"Roni-Ann! Live your life!"

Before I'm able to respond, someone presses against my back and I prepare to punch them, but don't when I hear the voice.

"Put it on my tab."

"Yes, Mr. Hayes." The bartender bows slightly before looking at me again.

I raise an eyebrow and lean closer to my friends. "Let's get it."

"Yes, Roni! Live life!"

I turn around and look up at Adrian, smiling at him.

"Yes, princess?"

"Will you buy me a ginger beer?"

"I thought those made you hype?"

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