Act Up

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Chapter 18: Act Up

"You are so cute!"

"I thought we were going for 'hot' though?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

Jasmin and Leah woke me up at 4:30 just to find a nice outfit for me to wear to work today.

This was going terribly.

"Can you wear jeans to work?" Leah whisper-yells, going through my drawers again.

"Yeah. I can dress casually once a week."

"Okay, uh. I think this is it, go put it on." She throws an outfit in my direction and the belt hits my face. "Sorry."

"Hurry. It's almost 5:30 and you still need to drive there." Jasmin pushes my into my bathroom and I nod, locking the door.

Changing quickly, I slip my sneakers on and walk back out, showing them how I looked.

"Perfect." Leah stresses, turning to Jasmin. "We make a pretty good team, bestie."

"Just that I'm better at it."

"The fuck? I picked out the outfit."

Jasmin rolls her head around dramatically, looking at Leah. "I did her hair."

"I have to go. I'll see you two later." I giggle, picking up my bag and leaving them.

"Bye! We love you."

"Love you more!"


"Good morning."

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine, and you?" Mr. Hayes replies, side glancing at me.

He walks away to put his bag at his desk and I hum, thinking to myself.

How am I?

"Good, thank you."

Mr. Hayes walks back in my direction, looking down at me.

"Your clothes are cute. Who dressed you?" He chuckles.

"My friends did. Why?" I giggle, swaying back and forth.

"They did a nice job. I like it."

"Is that a compliment?" I ask and he nods, enabling my next action. "Mr. Hayes is being nice, I think I'm going to faint."

I lean back dramatically and cover my face, preparing to fake it. Bouncing on my foot, I let myself fall, expecting to feel the ground.

Instead, I feel his arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

Well damn.

With my forehead still covered, I barely open an eye and look at him, his expression clear with amusement.

"You're very dramatic. Open your fucking eyes."

"Thanks. I try."

"Don't try that again." He mumbles, licking the inside of his cheek, exposing the bulge.

"Why not?"

"Because next time," He laughs and let's go of me, making me trip. "I will drop you."

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