Fixer Upper

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Chapter 50: Fixer Upper

*three days later*

"My feet hurt."

"My back hurts."

"My legs hurt."

"Are you done complaining?" Adrian grumbles, looking down at me. "God damn."

"What are we doing on this side of the city? That was such a long walk, I'm hungry." I complain, adjusting the strap of my bag.

"We walked five blocks."

"And those were some long blocks. I'm tired, Adrian."

Without responding to me, Adrian leans over to pick me up, holding me bridal style.

Well this is nice...

"Drop that mother fucker. Drop that mother fucker." I start chanting, laughing to myself.

"You want me to drop you?" Adrian's grip loosens and I grasp his shirt, shaking my head rapidly. "That's what I thought."


Adrian glares at me before smirking, continuing to walk.

Finally realizing the direction he turned in, I quickly apologize, kicking my legs out.

"Adrian, no!"

"Adrian, yes."

"I'm sorry! Don't do it! I'll do any-"

He throws me into the pond and I shriek, gasping once I resurface.

"Drop that mother fucker." Adrian laughs and I scowl at him, wiping the water off my face.

"This is not where we were going in the first place."

"Detours happen. Suck it up, princess."


"Oh, this is where we're going? A daycare?"


Adrian holds the door open for me and I walk inside, standing awkwardly as the kids play.

"Mama!" Adrian yells out for his mother and she pokes her head out from the back room, raising her eyebrows.

"Hey, Ro-Ro. Don't you two have work?"

"I thought that too. But he dragged me outside for a walk and we ended up here."

"I heard you took a stepping stone last week. How was the visit?" She questions, handing one of the kids a bag of chips.

"It was good. I honestly feel a bit of closure within myself."

"I'm proud of you, Ro-Ro."

"Why didn't you tell me about her parents, mama? You knew them." Adrian asks her.

"Wasn't my place." Mrs. Hayes comes out of what I'm guessing is the kitchen, drying her hands off in a towel. "Why are you soaked, babes?"

"Your child threw me into a pond." I shrug, quickly tying my shirt so that it doesn't drip on the floor.

"I have something you can wear in the back? We aren't exactly the same size but it's a dress so you should be good."

"Oh? Thank you."

Mrs. Hayes turns around to face the back rooms, directing me to where the clothes are. I walk away from the pair and step around the kids, one of them moving backwards into my way.

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