Change Of Heart

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Chapter 4: Change Of Heart

"Good morning."

"Hello. Collect those files and organize them for me. You can sit over there."

Mr. Hayes points to the opposite end of the room and I nod, taking the stack off his desk.

"How was your-"

"Shut up and work." He grumbles, running a hand through his hair.

"Is something wrong? You were so nice yesterday."

"I'm nice to everyone on their first day. That changes. Now shut up."

Pressing my lips together, I sit quietly at the table, rearranging each file by letter.

"Do you think I could-"

"No. And stop asking questions."

"But I haven't had bre-"

"I said no. Are you deaf?" Mr. Hayes growls and I flinch, holding my head down.



"You can't do anything properly. Can you?"

"I'm trying. It isn't working though." I respond in frustration, tapping at the printer.

"So many excuses. Just move!"

"You d-don't have to yell, sir."

"Then how are you going to get things in that pretty little head of yours? Huh?!?" He pulls my hair upwards, hurting me.

"S-s-sir. Please s-stop!" I cry out in pain while he pulls harder on my hair, messing up my ponytail.

"Just go, get me the papers from Room 230."

"Y-yes sir."

I stumble out of the room, stepping lightly to not disturb anyone else.

What I really wanted to do was stomp all the way to the room, but I can't.

When I finally made it to Room 230, I use my keycard to open the door. A pile of papers are sitting on the floor, and they're almost the same height as me.

How does this idiot-

I mean kind-hearted man, want me to bring this all the way to the back of the floor to his room.

I hear someone follow behind me and look up, watching as Gina leans against the cabinet.

"You don't like bondage?"


"What Mr. Hayes does. I loved it."

That's not bondage but okay...

"I don't get how you could like that. That's abuse." I grumble, pulling a cart towards me.

Lifting the papers into it, I spin it around, walking up to Gina.

"Excuse me."

"I'd be careful with him. Mr. Hayes is the boss."

"I get that. But if being the boss means your entitled to do that, then he's-"

"You're in for a rude awakening." She stresses, retreating out of the room.

I give her a weird look before follow out behind her, walking in the opposite direction.

She stares me down as I walk into the room and I stand still, staring back at her.

"Freaking weird." With that, I turn away and walk inside, cart in tow.

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