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Chapter 51: Mighty


"Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy. Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city."

"Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack. Cuz when I leave for the night I ain't coming back!"

Jasmin flips her hair dramatically and I laugh, moving quickly to stand next to her.

"I'm talking pedicures on our toes, toes. Trying on all our clothes, clothes." I bounce my shoulders while swaying side to side, holding up my hand as if I'm checking my nails. "Boys blowing up our phones, phones."

Leah uses both of her arms to push into the middle, joining into the song. "Drop-topping, playing our favorite CDs. Pulling up to all the parties. Trying to get a little bit tipsy."

The song continues to play and the three of us dance in a line, heading into my bathroom.

"Tonight, I'ma fight." Leah says, picking up a hair brush.

"Til we see the sunlight." Adding onto her, Jasmin sits on the toilet cover, pulling up her socks.

I fix my hair in the mirror, singing the lyrics under my breath.

"How big is Adrian's house, Gryffindor?"

"It's huge!" I stress, flashing my hands out. "I don't get how he could live there alone."

"Maybe he has all those rooms for his guests. He does have a lot of friends."

I nod before checking the clock, reading the time aloud.

"Why are we always running late?" I mutter, turning the music off.

"Because we're black?" Jasmin chuckles.

"Are you stereotyping us?!" Leah shrieks, looking offended. "I mean you aren't wrong, but Roni is early sometimes. Me though? Never."

"Let's just go."


Reaching the path of Adrian's house, Leah leans over and honks the car horn.

"Beep beep!" She drones as I wind her window down, leaning forward to see the front door. "Get in the car!"

I see Adrian step outside before bending down, most like speaking to Rain.

Examining his attire for the day, I feel my face heat up in embarrassment.

He looks really nice. He always does.

"You're looking mighty fine there, daddy long legs." Jasmin tells him while opening the back door, moving over.

"Jasmin!" I exclaim, looking back at her.

"What? You know that's what you were thinking."

We roll our eyes at each other as Adrian sits down in the car, fixing the cuffs of his shirt. "Hello, Leah and Jasmin. Hi, princess."

"Hey, Adrian." The three of us say in unison, my eyes widening at how in tune that was.

"Don't tell me you guys are matching?"

"We are!" The three of us say again, smiling widely at Adrian.

He looks up at me with his eyes dilating and I look away from him, whistling to avoid any conversation.

"Go change."

"No can do, sir." I hum, still avoiding eye contact.

"Change it, Roni-Ann."

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