The View

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Chapter 2: The View

"That over there, is the lounge. Only the boss and those who work on his floor are allowed in there."

"That's the cafeteria. Amazing food, I recommend the shrimp pasta."

"Now write this down: 'I will follow directions. I will not speak back. I will not have an attitude'." Gina recites, tapping my notepad.

"But why not?" I mumble, scribbling the words down.

"Because, I said so."

Gina turns down the corner, stopping in the lobby again before pressing the elevator.

"We'll be going to the 25th floor now. That's where you'll be from now on."

We get on and ride the elevator to the top, neither of us say anything.

"This way." She walks down to the end of the hall, pulling her skirt up on the way. "Mr. Hayes?"


Gina opens the door without knocking, revealing Mr. Hayes who was sitting on his table, legs crossed.

"What?" He spits, clearly frustrated. "Hm, who's this?"

Gina pushes me inside and I stand still, intimidated by his gaze.

Mr. Hayes continues to stare me down, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Roni-Ann Ember, Mr. Hayes. Your intern."

He stands up to walk closer to us, towering over me while looking down.

"You look- capable." He hums, continuing to inspect me. "Nothing like what your sister described you as."

"What did she say about me?" I mumble, pressing my legs together.

"Ugly, bitchy, slut, dumb, murderer."

Mr. Hayes says the last one and I tense up, biting my lip.

"I'm not a murderer."

It's just my fault they died.

"I can tell."

"Should I show her to her office now, Mr. Hayes?" Gina speaks up, smiling seductively at him.

"Yes. And then come back to my office."

"Great! Come on, Roni!"

Gina rushes to get me out the room, grabbing my hand.

We walk down two doors and she opens it, revealing a large room.

"This is where you'll be when Adrian doesn't need-" She gets cut off by the phone ringing and I move to answer it. "You."

"Hello? Roni-Ann speaking."

"You're a natural." The masculine voice chuckles and I roll my eyes, listening to the man. "My office, you have a minute. Tell Gina I'm canceling with her."

"Gina, Mr. Hayes said he's canceling with you." I turn back to tell her, hanging up the phone.

"Fuck. Well, you should get going. Good luck." Gina gives me a fake smile, walking out the room and I leave after her.


"I don't know who told you that, but I'm not going to follow your every word like Gina does."

"And what makes you think that?" Mr. Hayes grumbles, tapping away on his computer.

"Because I'm not going to get pushed around out here, I get enough of that at home." I respond, placing my hands on my hips.

Mr. Hayes stands up and walks towards me, each step forward, I step back.

"Look, I'm the boss here, understood? You do as I say when I say."

"With all due respect-"

"I don't want to hear it, you're dismissed for the day. Be here by 6 tomorrow morning."

"That's when I wake up." I tell him, bending down to get out of his trap.

"You're my personal assistant now, bedtime changes." Mr. Hayes sits down at his desk again, not taking his eyes off me. "Are we clear, princess?"

Princess? The hell do I look like?



"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!"

"Hate who, dumb ass?" Leah mutters, taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Mateo!" Jasmin yells, throwing her shoe across the room. "He said I have anger issues. I'm perfectly fine, it's him who has issues."

"You are crazy." Leah tells her as I nod, getting comfortable on the swing.

"Fight me, bitch."

"With pleasure."

"Not today!" I get up quickly to split them up, scowling at them both. "Sit down."

"So, Gryffindor. You never told us how that dinner went last week?" Jasmin teases me, holding her face in her hands.

"Hayes no show. Gina comes instead. Roni has to work. Hayes is crazy man." I summarized, noticing Leah's eyes go wide.

"Hunter Hayes?" Leah gasps and I facepalm myself.

"You're stupid. Adrian Hayes."

"Just as good."

"Wait, I wasn't listening. Who?" Jasmin takes her earbuds out, signaling for me to repeat.

"I'm not saying that over again. Figure it out."

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