I Win

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Chapter 13: I Win

Walking into the building, I nod towards the security guards and continue moving.

"Good morning." Adrian smiles sweetly and I grin back at him, pressing the button on the elevator.

He won't last.

"Hi, Adrian." I chirp, feeling my face heat up.

"I have someone I'd like you to meet. Close your eyes."

He reaches into the large bag on his side and I quickly close my eyes, listening to the noise.

"Okay. Look down."

I reopen my eyes and stare at him, a smirk crossing his face.

"Look down."

"Okay damn." I giggle, looking at the ground.

A small puppy stands at the side of my foot before flopping down, laying across my feet.

"Awe! Puppy~"

I squat to pick it up and coo, staring into its brown eyes.

"What's it's name?"

"Her name is Rain." Adrian tells me and my eyes widen, tilting my head. "I used your nickname."

He likes me. Cool.

"You're not too bad, Adrian." I giggle, not looking away from Rain. "And you're my baby, puppy Rain. I'm human Rain though, so don't try anything."

"Thank you."

The elevator stops and we step off it, walking to his office.

"You'll be staying in my office today, we have a lot of work to do." Mr. Hayes tells me and I nod quickly, inspecting Rain continuously.

She takes residence in my palms, if my hands were bigger I'd only need to use one.

"Of course."

Adrian smiles at me again and I feel my heart ache.

He's getting to me. I've reached the dark side.

"Don't get a crush off of my looks now, Roni-Ann."

"Don't be cocky. I'm getting a crush from the times when you're actually nice."

Why did I respond?

Mr. Hayes runs a hand through his curly hair, biting his lip in the process.

That's hot.

I mean, crush has many meanings.

But the one I'm thinking.

I can't even.


"I brought- the lunch you asked me for."

"Why are you so out of breath?" I giggle, taking the bag from Jasmin.

She wipes her forehead to get rid of the sweat, sitting on one of the chairs.

"I ran for you. So that you didn't get in trouble."

"You're amazing."

Jasmin nods and stands up again, walking to the entrance door.

"I'll come over your house later, okay?" She states, stepping into the crisp air.

"Okay. Bring chips."

"Girl, leave me alone."

"Love you too."

Jasmin runs down the block again and I turn around, bumping into a chest.

"Hurry up."

"Sorry, sir."

"Don't say sorry. Just move!" Mr. Hayes yells at me, causing me to flinch.

"I'm going."

Walking past him, he grabs me by my shoulder and turns me back to face him, pushing me into a wall.

"Drop the attitude."

"I don't have an attitude." I giggle, attempt to move him.

Mr. Hayes puts a hand above me and I look up, feeling my face heat up.

"Listen, Roni-Ann. You're lucky I asked for you to work here. Sane people wouldn't want you around them." He warns me and I hold my head back down, starting to get dizzy.

I know they don't want me.

'if you had listened your parents would still be here.'

'who would want the problem child?'

'I don't want a murderer in my family.'

'nobody likes you Roni-Ann, you should have died in their place.'

My extended family and Sena's words run through my head and I let out a strained sound, quickly covering my mouth again.

"Give me my money. You lost the bet." I murmur.

Mr. Hayes raises an eyebrow before stepping away from me, clearly confused at my change.

"I shouldn't have-" Mr. Hayes shakes his head, regretting his words but I cut him off.

"Just give it to me and stay the way you are. You're right, people don't really want me." I hold my hand out, starting to feel my legs get weak. "You bully, just like Sena."

Just that you're not ugly inside and out.

And you understand me when you want to.

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