Pain Overload

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Chapter 27: Pain Overload

*one week later*

"Fix my sleeves for me."

"You don't say please?"

"Please, Adrian?" I giggle, pursing out my bottom lip.

He chuckles and pulls the sleeves down, making sure it's straight.

"Thank you." I walk away from him and put my blazer on, looking in his direction. "Are we leaving now?"


Adrian opens the door and waits for me to leave, his hand brushing against my back as I walk out.



"Black beauty~"

"You're the person we're meeting with?" I mumble, giving Chase a dirty look.

"Yes ma'am." He states proudly, looking behind him. "And Camila."

Of course.

Camila walks towards the three of us and scowls at me, grabbing Adrian's hand.

"Our table is ready." She pulls Adrian away as Chase and I walk behind them, stopping at the table.

Camila pulls out her own chair and sits down as Adrian pulls out the chair diagonal from her, signaling for me to sit down.

The guys sit down after us and a waiter comes over, handing us our menus and waiting patiently.

"Two orders of lamp chops for me and my brother. And a bottle of red wine for the table." Camila orders for them before looking at Adrian, shaking her hand. "And you Adrian?"

"A tomato and basil crepe. Roni?"

Adrian turns to me and I take a final look at the menu, picking something.

Before I'm able to speak, Camila coughs and whispers something, causing me to freeze. "Fat hoe."

"Uh, a Caesar salad. And a bottle of water, please." I giggle nervously, handing the man my menu.

"Of course. I'll be back soon."

Adrian and Chase start talking about their businesses and I sit quietly, writing down the important things.

The waiter finally comes back with the food, setting mine down first and I wait for the others to receive theirs.

"Do you need a cup, Roni?" Adrian questions, putting one down in front of me.

"Yes, thank you."

I pour my water out in it before picking up my fork, beginning to eat.

"Has your mother never taught you manners?"

My mother?

"Pardon me?" I give my attention to Camila, tilting my head in confusion.

"You heard me. Your parents raised a very disrespectful child, didn't they?"

My skin starts to crawl as she says that and I hold my head back down, picking at my salad.

"Answer me when I speak to you." Camila spits, putting her hand down on the table. "I'm not paying for her meal, Adrian."

"I didn't need you to pay for it in the first place, you roach. I'm not broke." I mutter under my breath, resting the fork down gently.

"You must be if you act this way. It's fucking desperate if you ask me." She taunts again, staring me down.

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