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Author's Note

I'm so stupid sometimes.

I forgot to say thank you for all the support I've gotten while writing this book in the Epilogue.

I don't have a proper reason as to why I didn't say that except for the fact that I was playing 'CookingMama' at the same time that I was writing.

(Actually that's a very logical reason.)

Anyhoo, thank you so, so, so much, from the bottom of my heart! To everyone who's been here as I've written and all who will read after this ending.

I don't want to write anything unimportant so I'll end the thanks at that and then move onto say this:

I've actually decided to take a small break from writing. Not because I've lost motivation or anything, but because I want my next book to take place in the spring time.

Therefore I'd need to actually start writing when spring comes about. For the proper vibes and all 🙃💛

~Hopefully nobody thinks that I'm writing too much, I just enjoy writing a lot!~

I'll end this on one finally note.

Thank you! I love you all!

Oh! I also hope no one thinks it's weird when I say "I love you". Y'know, because there are about 8 different forms of love.

Eros- romantic love.
Philia- friendly love.

I mean this all in a friendly way but please tell me if my saying of that phrase makes you uncomfortable!
That is the last thing on earth I'd want to do!

...I'm dragging this now...

Stay golden! Bye!! 💛

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