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Chapter 16: Awkward

"You look tired."

"Please, don't ask about it."

What should I say? I can't think straight right now.

"Is there anything I can get for you?"

I shake my head and continue to struggle with my jacket, feeling confused with my actions.

Mr. Hayes stands up from his seat and walks over to me, helping me take my jacket off.

"I'm fine. I was going to ask you the same thing." I giggle, taking the jacket from him.

"I already have everything. Please, sit."

Mr. Hayes was being weird today, he was asking me what I wanted and smiling.

He's trying to make me forget about yesterday. It's pretty obvious.

"Listen, Mr. Hayes. What do you want from me?" I question, raising an eyebrow at him.

He starts coughing as I stare him down, waiting for an answer.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to be nice."

"And I already said you can't do that. I have the money to prove it."

Upon saying this, his expression goes blank and he turns away from me. "You don't know me well enough to say that."

"Is that so?"

"Very much so. I could be nice if I wanted to."

I hum in response, looking down at my legs.

"Say something." Mr. Hayes urges, shifting closer to the desk.

"Something." I mutter, shaking my left leg repeatedly.

"Roni-Ann, seriously."

"Since you're 'trying to be nice', change my name in your phone."


Mr. Hayes pulls his phone out and unlocks it, handing it to me.

"Because, the name I have there is making me uncomfortable."

Swiping through his phone, I enter the contacts and find mine. I change the name from 'Roni' to 'RAIN 🦋🍭' and go into the camera, taking a new picture.

'You look cute when you do that.'

"What was that?" I speak up, hardly hearing him the first time.

"Nothing." Mr. Hayes shakes his head as I hand his phone back, accepting it. "Can you get the papers from the printing room, please? They should be done."

"Oh, of course."


"Let me help you."

"Are you trying to get the money back from me or something? I already spent it on new things." I mumble as he comes closer, standing at the entrance.

I spent it on new clothes after Sena burned mine.

"I'm not. I'm just trying to get this over with."

"So you're actually being nice?"

"Yes. I am." Mr. Hayes chuckles and I continue to fix the setting on the machine, groaning in frustration.


I get cut off by him pressing against my back, reaching over my shoulder to fix the machine.

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