Holding Contract

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Chapter 66: Holding Contract

*three days later*

"Tell everybody, I'm on my way! New friends and new faces to see!!"

Rain pants happily as we walk down the path and around a few trees, making our way out of the gated space.

The puppy pulls me down the road as I take small steps, trying not to get too far from the house.

Rain looks up at me and barks, picking up her speed.

I move in with her and suddenly she forgets Adrian. I've walked so much these past months.

At least I can say that the puppy likes me more.

"Slow down, Rain." I mutter, looking up at the sky.

I must have been completely distracted as the dog walks into a puddle, startling me as the mud hits my shoe.


I look down at her and see her fur covered in mud, watching her floppy ears droop even more.

"No, don't be ashamed. I'm telling your dad though."


"Adrian! I have a surprise for you!"

"I'm in the shower!"

Humming, I fix the dog in my hands and push the bathroom door open, walking over to the shower.

I push the curtain and glass door over before stepping in, not bothering to think on my actions.

Adrian's face contorts as he blocks the water from me, using his wet hand to hold my face up. "What are you doing in here, princess?"

I feel my eyes widen like a deer in headlights as I grin weirdly, my eyes shifting between Adrian's face and chest.

"You better not look down any further." He uses his index finger to pat my lips and I blush even more, looking up at the ceiling.

"I only came so that you could wash your dog. She jumped in a puddle."

I hold Rain up more in between us and she shifts up more in my hands, holding her head down to look below us.

"Rain, no!" I exclaim, covering her eyes.

Adrian releases my face and takes the puppy from me, placing her under the water so the mud runs off.

"Okay... I'm going to go now." Giggling awkwardly, I look down to watch where I was stepping, getting a full view of his thing.

Did I just get a heartbeat?

"Really, Roni-Ann?!" Adrian's voice gets slightly louder and I gasp, quickly slapping my hand across my eyes.

"I'm sorry!" I apologize, stepping out of the shower. "Forgive me. But also-"

"I'm going to beat your ass."

"Okay, sir." I uncover my eyes, winking at him.

"Get out." Adrian closes the shower curtain but peeks his head out, pointing to the door.

"Love you!"

"I love you more."


How was your shower, sir? I noticed Rain come out but you took a while longer."

I look up from petting Rain to see Adrian wearing a full track suit, his face flushed.

"Stop questioning me." He grumbles to which I laugh. "Come here."

Placing Rain down on the couch, I walk over to where Adrian was standing and gaze up at him.

"I have your consent right?"

"Of course. Always have always will."

Adrian nods before turning me back around and holding my hip, using his other hand to bend me over.

"Well this is interesting."

The floor is so intriguing.

My behind touches his lower body and I gasp, hearing Adrian make a sound of content before bringing me back up.

"What was that for?"

"Stop questioning me."

I move away and sit back down, waiting for him to follow.

"You know, now that our relationship contract is broken we should make a new one."

"No more contracts." Mr. Hayes shakes his head, playing with my promise ring. "We don't need them."

"But like, what if we get in an argument? I would like to know what happens after it. Or if we do that act, what if a baby is the result?" I list.

"We'll survive. In fact," Adrian fixes my leg over his lap. "Let's start the 'act' now."

He runs his hand up and down my thigh and I choke, removing my leg.

"You know what I'm in the mood for? Cake." I redirect the conversation, standing up while holding my hand out to him. "Let's go bake one."

"You have enough to suffice." Adrian mumbles, slapping my behind.

I'm in pain.

Please help me survive without the contract.


Author's Note

This chapter was not worth reading, I admit. It was simply a filler before I start doing those major time skips. Similar to what I did with "In Law".

I actually wasn't planning on keeping this chapter but I wanted to apologize for not updating on Monday. My teachers are being pains in the behind and I can't seem to find a time where I'm not doing school work.

(To my history & math teachers: I just got back from break. Have mercy.)

Having so much work to do has left me a bit uninspired on what to write in this chapter, so I decided to keep it simple and show the start of Roni and Adrian's expired contract.

Anyhoo, I promise to update better content as this book is close to finishing. I don't want to disappoint anyone.

That's all for now!!

~P.S.: this chapter is not proofread.~

Stay golden! Bye! 💛

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